Strike before Dawn | Teen Ink

Strike before Dawn

November 5, 2012
By ravinganthony BRONZE, San Diego, California
ravinganthony BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Patience is a virtue my dear Padawan" star wars

"You ready." I asked my friend as we were about to attack our first victim. I know what this sounds like and I am not a vampire nor killer but a teenager.
Me and my friends realized after school that we are growing up. Halloween was near so I got an idea. As we were all huddled up in our quiet yet big group, with delight i spoke the news."so you guys ready to do pranks this year." we were all riled up except Riley. as we began to brainstorm our ideas he brought up the one point "Is pranking that good? I mean what is someone gets mad Steven, what if they want to get back at us?" as of a wildfire the thought provoked all of us. Being the "Leader" of the group helping us get stuff done I replied with great confidence."Well, how does that happen when we are pranking kids." Everyone was curious were this was going so I continued. "Me and someone else will go to Lincoln elementary and scare/prank all the little kids inside. This surprised all of us and we all considered this would be great I asked forr volunteers all but one stood up. It was Andrew. Only my best friend of all time who I knew since pre-school. So the prank was set the only thing that stopped thing me was Riley's counter it shuddered me yet i couldn't stop their shouting forught me threw it. So it would happen tomorrow.
we managed to get into the carnival with ease we bought enough tickets to get into the house. as we began the trip over i could've swore I saw Riley i looked again and he was. just a thought, I guess. I saw all the little kids everywhere and to see tomorrow with those happy faces soon turned scared forr this as Andrew was calling the prank of the century. we started to wait in line and managed to get into the first group and in the middle we branched off in a dark point and hid. from their we waited forr the next group as we both took out our weapons of horror, the chainsaws. it had no cord so it couldn't help anyone but just scare them i bought a realistic wax man. the next group slowly came. we put on our masks and set up the man. then we started the chainsaw."rmmm" they heard as they all became horrified we showed out and move the weapons next to them. then we both ripped out the wax man filled with jelly. they screamed as I chased them. Yet somehow my mask fell off I didn't care I kept forllowing them until the end of the tour. from their it ended. It was such a rush!
As we finished it was fun. I ran out hoping no one would spot me. I noticed their was no Andrew. i continued on figuring we would find his own way back. However, a chill ran up my spine. Looking back I saw nothing and hurried back home. After a while out of breath i started to walk again. Then it happened in front was a kid from beforre with a bloody knife. he approached me, going for the kill. I wanted to go away but i discovered that their was a group of kids all the kid beforre surrounding me. I had no way out all I remembered was Andrew doing fine. Then I saw Riley who their with the kids and soon walked off. Even though I was to be killed i had another mission. Get Riley, Andrew, and the kids. From their I was stabbed to death.
With ease I forund Andrew Picked up his chainsaw, put on the chain, and sliced him into bits. With no shame I continued the cursed ghost to roam until i forund my killers. Then i saw Riley smiling telling our group he was the leader now with Steven and Andrew gone sick. somehow he knew of both incidents. I went up to him and choked him out no one suspected he was dead, past out maybe, however, only I knew the truth. From here on out I never saw a face of those kids. So I decided how i would do it. One day a kid came in the bathroom turned of the lights, flushed the toilets, and yelled Bloody Mary. he then started to leave i wouldn't let him and killed him. Their I knew I would find my killers. I was the ghost known as Bloody Mary.

The author's comments:
it took a lot of time and is based off a project enjoy.

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