New Perspective | Teen Ink

New Perspective

November 5, 2012
By krhubottom BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
krhubottom BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No smile is more beautiful then the one that shines through the tears.

New Perspective

“It was her. She drove me to my breaking point. I loved her, I never wanted to hurt her, but she just asked me to. I swear she asked me to. I know what you’re thinking.”

“Kellin, you’re insane.”

“I’m not crazy! I’m a visionary and that’s why I’m telling you what I did.”

It was exactly 47 days, 9 hours, and 12 minutes ago. She looked exceptionally

beautiful. A slight breeze came from the north, telling me winter was coming. I saw her, but she didn’t see me. My spot was very good. I hid in the bush right in front of the window, 46 degrees from her bed--I measured. She awoke very slowly, almost delicately. I knew today was the day I would finally show myself. I very stealthily removed myself from the bush and ran to her mailbox, grabbed three letters, all addressed to her. There I stood in front of the house, not a foreign place to me. I had been there thousands of times, watching and waiting for the right moment, and today was that moment right now.

I reached up slowly, heart racing, palms sweating. I rang the bell with a very small buzz! I waited patiently for exactly 44 seconds until she opened the door.

She said, “Hello sir, may I help you?” For a moment, I couldn’t find my voice, but hoarsely I plucked up the courage and said, “Hello ma’am, my name is Kellin, I live four houses down and umm..” Heart racing again, I couldn’t breath.

“Yes? And what?” she asks impatiently.

“Umm...the mailman, he gave me your mail and I thought I should return it to you.”

“Thank you,” she says taking the letters.

I stand there for a moment, starstruck and thinking to myself: this can’t be real. She looked at me for a moment and finally said, “Would you like to come in Kellin?” I responded calmly with, “Ok, miss.”

She led me into the kitchen, still in my dream-like state. I said, “Beautiful home you have here, Miss Nicole.” She didn’t respond. I brushed it off as she could not hear me. We arrived in the kitchen, and she asked, “Coffee?”

“Yes please, two scoops of sugar as well, please. Thank you.” She returned with the coffee in 57 seconds, give or take a second or two. Here is the part where you might find me a bit insane, but I swear to you I did this out of love. I proceeded to stand up, grab her around the waist, and kiss her so passionately.

But instead of returning the kiss, she slapped me rather hard. I didn’t like that. She was about to slap me again when I grabbed her arm and I squeezed hard, yelling, “YOU WILL LOVE ME IF I HAVE TO MAKE YOU!” She screamed a piercing, blood-curdling scream. I grabbed the coffee cup and proceeded to smash it across her head. With blood dripping from the new gash in her forehead, she passed out. I found rope in her shed outside and a dirty old rag. I tied her to the chair in her kitchen, and stuffed the rag in her mouth.

She looked beautiful even with the blood running down her face and into her mouth. I grabbed a clean rag from under the sink and cleaned off the blood. I also went to her room to grab her makeup and a new dress and I proceeded to dress and apply makeup to her. I would have to say I made her look even more beautiful. She awoke 39 minutes after I hit her.

As soon as she awoke, she cried out, but no one could hear her with the rag in her mouth. I closed the blinds, a frightful mistake she made every time that I was watching her. She looked at me with tear-filled eyes. I took the rag out of her mouth and gave her a drink through a straw. She looked at me and whimpered, “Why are you doing this to me?”

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said, “Because I love you, Nicole and you don’t love me, but you will.” She then started to cry a long sob until I put the rag back into her mouth. Some time later, she had wiggled her hands free, and she came after me. I dashed into the kitchen and I found a chilli pan and proceeded to beat her with it.

After being hit eight times, she was still awake, a little groggy, but still awake. She stabbed me in the foot with a newly sharpened nail file. I found a common kitchen knife and stabbed her hand and pinned it to the floor. There was blood spewing from the open wound in her beautiful, delicate, small, almost helpless, hand. I grabbed a chef's knife and stabbed her in the back. She cried out to stop, but I couldn’t.

I had the power to decide if she lived or died and the thought of her dieing sounded very delightful. I could have her with me forever, mine, she would love me and I would love her so I kept stabbing being careful making sure I never stabbed anywhere that was visible with clothes on and soon enough she took her last breath. I spent hours cleaning up the buckets of blood that was all over the room, the sight would have made a sane person crazy, but it did not phase me at all. I went into her sewing room and sewed up all the wounds on her body, I do say there were a lot. I then proceeded to the bath and ran warm water, I added vanilla bean scented bubbles along with pumpkin pie scented candles. I removed her dress and my clothing and put her in the bathtub with me. And we all lived happily ever after.

Kellin was caught three months after Nicole was killed because the neighbors were

complaining about the smell and her family reported that they couldn’t find her. Kellin was tried for murder and was found guilty.He now serves in pennsylvania state asylum. He is serving 108 years without chance of parole.

The author's comments:
New Perspective is a story about a killer from his perspective, it's kind of a tale tell heart type of story about a mad man who believes he is 100% sane

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