Girly Murder | Teen Ink

Girly Murder

November 2, 2012
By tes2000 BRONZE, Sandy Springs, Georgia
tes2000 BRONZE, Sandy Springs, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont give up what you want most for what you want at the moment.

“Ring!!” “Ring!” Mr. Grant stretched out before reaching for the phone. The telephone rang at the police department reporting a man killed. These calls happen all the time, but this story was a little more important. Mark Kemmer, a great detective and policeman that works with his very sweet wife, Rosa had the case. He has begged for it. There was this woman, Emma who was very attractive. She fooled men that had valuable things that she wanted or could trade for something she wanted even more. Lately it’s been Indian things. She fools them with her innocence or pretending to like them, and then they invite her over. She comes over and sets them in a perfect position for murder. She kills them, and after she has stolen the item she wants, she calls the police and abandons the place. This last man she killed, Jeff. He had the Greek Corinthian bronze helmet. This helmet has outstanding stonework. It protected many things including the cheekbones, which the Greeks loved. She had killed him with preparing their drinks then it has slowly poisoned him. It had gotten harder and harder to breath for him.

Mark had gotten a call from his boss, Larry Tights, but he ignored it. He was hanging out with his best friend, Nick. They loved going out to La Cardiac, Zabars, and Big Nick’s. They love to eat sautéed chicken, Plantains, rice and beans. All Cuban and Hispanic food, since Nick’s mom is from New Mexico.
They like Italian too. In NYC their Linguini Carbonara is the best. “Alright Nick I better get back to work. Mr.Uptights has been calling me all morning to check in with him.” “Ok, see you tomorrow for dinner at my moms house, remember you promised her you and Rosa would come. She is making her famous spaghetti.” “Don’t worry I never miss out on a good meal!”

Mark was in his office now looking over the resume of a kid who wanted to join. He tossed it away with a disappointed look, not many good people were trying to join lately. Rosa came in with a sad look on her face. “Emma has cornered another guy. On the 5th street cameras, we saw her mingling with some guy. We over heard and I think his name is Brian or Brent, the audio wasn’t the best.” “Ok. Lets look him up and see where he lives we can’t let her get away with this one!” “7177 Brood Stock Drive, get in the car, and call one more team to the job just to surround the house, so she doesn’t get out if my plan doesn’t go as planned.”

They get to Brian’s house and of course Emma’s brand new red Ferrari is in the driveway. It’s a huge house. Mark sneaks in to the house because the door was open. He sees Emma and Brian kissing. Emma stops and starts to come towards Mark. He wonders what she is coming for, and he turns and looks for a place to hide, but finds two cups. He switched the order of the cups because he knew this was the only way to stop her from poising Brian. Mark hides in the pantry while Emma grabs the drinks. Emma walks out of the kitchen, and Mark follows to the cracked door. Emma gives him the drink on the right and she drinks the one on the left. They make a toast to love at first sight and then they drink. Emma starts to feel it getting harder to drink, and thinks maybe she put it in both drinks by mistake and then she looks back and Mark still being in the crack of the door, she sees him, and by now she can’t talk and Brian is just laughing because of what is on the TV. She sees Mark and starts to walk toward him, groping everything in her way trying not to collapse. Brian realizes there is something wrong and stands up, and looks at Emma who is now unconscious on the carpeted floor. Mark calls in his back up, and he walks into the room. Brian sees the uniform and says “ I didn’t call you, why are you here, but look I didn’t do anything she just collapsed on the floor.” Mark answers, “Don’t be alarmed this is one of our most wanted thieves.” “Emma?” “Yes… I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Emma as you can see is a very attractive lady, (Mark looks back and see’s a obnoxious look on Rosa, he fingers for two men to come in a take Emma to a detective recovery cell.) she tricks men with her looks, but only ones with valuable items she wants. Was there any talk of a special item you have?” After thinking this over Brian responds with the answer Mark was expecting, “ Yes she wanted to know about my grandmother and I told her about this very special ring of hers, she wanted to come over to have some drinks after that. When we got here she asked me to show her it, so I’m guessing she was after my grandmothers ring.” “Very well, I am so sorry that this happened to you, Emma will be fined with many Murders and Injuries, plus will be replenished with any money you spent on her.” “Thank you!” Brian answered with shock and happiness.

Finally in the cell, once Emma wakes up they put her in a closed, dimmed room. They ask her questions and she finally admits she was going to shoot him with a laser gun after she had gotten the ring. Emma is sentenced for 15 years in jail and owes 5000
Dollars to the government. Rosa and Mark end the case. “NYC the best city to live in right?” Mark questions. “Only if you have everything that we have, friendship, jobs, wives, and the best food in the U.S” Nick answers. “Hahaha, ahhhh!” Mark says with a sigh of relief.
“NYC is the best place to have everything!” Looking into the puzzlement ahead of them in the big city.

The author's comments:
In comp class we had to write a mystery story: heres mine!

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