Just 16 | Teen Ink

Just 16

January 4, 2012
By ToriMusic BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
ToriMusic BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Ooh! No-no juice!" Troy Barnes Community.

Marissa Larson turned on her MP3 player. She was 16 years old and she couldn't get a simple I Pod. She walked down 5the avenue turning up thee song "Bonfire" by Childish Gambino. She was trying to spot that blue gnome her aunt left 3 years ago. She remembered being mesmerized by how blue it was. Suddenly, some one came up behind her and pulled a gun to her head. Immediately,she thought about all thee great times she had had. Like when she got thee measles ad her mom sacrificed herself ad spoon fed her spinach soup. Or when her baby brother was born. Then she realized, she was about to be shot. "BAM!" It went. But it wasn't her who got shot. She swiped thee gun from his had a puled thee trigger. "And like that one time she shot a murderer."

The author's comments:
My BF-F's name is Marissa and she told me to write a murder story about her.

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