Choices Can Scar | Teen Ink

Choices Can Scar

February 10, 2011
By Anonymous

Excitement, nervous, not ready for what’s about to come. I didn’t know this would change my life forever… last day of school, seeing old friend, familiar faces that you haven’t talked to since freshman year. Knowing this might be the last you’ll ever see them again.

“Man, I wish I could change how things went. I wish we still talked.” Little did I know this was going to be the start of a life where nothing will ever be the same again.
“How am I gonna go threw the day mom?! I won’t be strong enough to make it!”
“Sweetie, it’s going to be ok. I have faith you’ll do just fine.”
“I’m scared. I’m not ready to face the world yet. There’s so much I have to learn still!”
“You’ll do great! Like you’ve always have”
“If you say so mom. Love you.”

Getting in, thinking about the world, my friends, my love. What am I going to do? I’m not ready. But I’m going to do this. It’s my time to start my life.

Pulling into the parking lot. Seeing memories pass by as I pull into my parking spot. My love of my life running to my car. Jumping on my back,
“Are you excited?!?!”
“No. Not really…”
“WHAT?! WHY NOT?! I AM!!!”
“Well… It’s just I’m scared, I don’t think I’m ready for this.”
“You’ll do great! And besides, you’ll have me along the way.”

The hallways were we used to hang out. Watching old clips of memories play in my head of the places I’ve been. I just wanted to cry. Memories that I love, that hurt. I’ll never will forget this place.

As I watch all my teachers cry saying they’ll miss us. Even the guys. They hoping that they taught us everything we need to know for the world. I’m sure they tried their best. I just can’t see how everyone can be excited for this day to be over. I’m still not looking forward for this.

The very last student counsel meeting I’ll ever have again. Me as the president, and my girl as the vice president. All of our good friends are on the board with us. We all decided to have the VP give the senior talk.

The end of our last day here at high school, and the start of something new. Saying bye is one of the hardest things in life to do, it’s going to come one day or another. Counting the days down to graduation. One more day, then I’m free from high school.

One more hour till we walk. Everyone is excited, except me. I’m nervous as can be. My love gave me a kiss, then she walked out to give her talk. Man… did that talk change my life forever. Now I realized why that one last kiss was so long, I know why she was crying and sad. I felt as if that kiss was going to change my life. I didn’t understand why, till that talk was read.

That night was the worst for me. I couldn’t take the pain. I ended my life for what she has done. All the seniors, all the staff, and all the parents knew why… I just couldn’t believe she cheated on me.

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