HaLlOwEeN | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By Anonymous

It was Halloween night. There was a breathing body under the old man's carpet. Not dead, still alive. The body is squirming uncontrollablly. The body randomly kicked the table where an ancient lamp stood. The lamp, moving around like an earthquake just hit, almost fell. The angry, physco man grabbed a dining room chair and swung it over his head, towards the back of his neck. He looks at the body once more and kind of feels the frightful chills and pain that is rushing thorugh its vains. He likes it. It makes him angrier, and more excited to kill the body once and for all. The body,scooting away, kicked the table with a lot of force and it fell and broke on the old man. He had glass in his flabby stomache. He dropped to the floor. The body crawled out from under the rug. The little girl screamed...

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