The Moonlight Incident Part IV | Teen Ink

The Moonlight Incident Part IV

August 24, 2010
By Anonymous

The Moonlight Incident
Part IV

Falling downward, Hailey felt the air rush by.
“I’m going to die” she thought.
Suddenly, she landed on something soft and prickly. Snapping through twigs and the main body of the plant, she implanted her face into the warm dirt. Coughing, she quickly stood up. Her mind was disoriented as she wobbled around. The full moon shone down upon her pale skin as she looked at her landing spot.
“Oh, no” she said, “Mom’s going to kill me.”
Staring at the bush that she landed on, Hailey saw that there was nothing left of it, save were a few twigs.
“Hailey!” Ella called.
Looking up, Hailey saw her younger sister near a window.
“Go into the library.” Hailey called, “I’m going to enter through the front door and come up there, okay?”
“I’ll let you in” Ella called.
Watching her sister enter the window of the library, Hailey continued to pant.
“I hate these full moons” she told herself.
Lurching forward, Hailey approached the red front door. Pulling a key out of her dress pocket, Hailey carefully place the key in the keyhole and turned it. Opening the door, she quickly entered and closed the door.
“Mommy” Nathaniel called, “Where are you?”
Darkness filled the hallway as Hailey walked onward.
“Is that you, mommy?” Nathaniel asked, “Mommy, come here, I want to hold you!”
His hot and sticky breath struck the back of her neck, giving Hailey goose bumps.
“I found you mommy” Nathaniel growled.
Dashing forward, Hailey heard the heavy footsteps of Nathaniel behind her. Suddenly, a heavy force pushed her to ground. Sharp claws dug into her arms as she realized that this was the end.
And then she woke up.

Hailey panted as she threw the book that she was reading, Breaking Dawn away.
“Man that was a horrible nightmare.” She panted.
Looking outside, she saw that the sun was setting. Getting up, she walked to the window and looked out.
“Tonight is a full moon” she said.
Looking at her arm, she began to feel the change starting to happen.
“I hope my family is in the library.” She muttered.
The change started to happen as the full moon began to rise.
“I’m coming mommy.” She whispered.

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