draining prompt | Teen Ink

draining prompt

September 23, 2024
By zemorah BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
zemorah BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I woke up, the sound of rain coming from outside soothing my ears, I couldn't help but feel weak. I shifted, sitting upwards in my bed as I looked down at my hands, they were paler than usual and my veins seemed to show through the skin. My heart dropped and I nearly leapt up from my spot, making my head spin in the process. I shakilly regained my balance and walked to my kitchen, holding onto anything that would stabilize me. I heaved painfully as I filled a glass with water, drinking it quickly in hopes to ease the pain. Once I was done, I placed the cup on the table, finding my hands still quivering. I walked to the bathroom, gripping the sink as I leaned over it. At first, I stared down at the sink, my head hurt, I felt nauseous, and I was shaking uncontrollably. As I looked up, I hoped I would see myself, like any other day, and maybe this was just a one day occurrence. But as I stared at the pale face looking at me, its lips as blue as under its eyes, the color draining more with every second I stared. I choked on my breath, my heart struggling to keep going as I found myself unable to stop staring at the figure in the mirror. Not until it drained completely. Then I saw nothing at all.

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