Man or Machine (parody of Man or Muppet from the Muppets 2011) | Teen Ink

Man or Machine (parody of Man or Muppet from the Muppets 2011)

October 9, 2023
By Anonymous

I reflect on my reflection And I ask myself the question What's my true connection to code? I've been told Am I a man or am I a machine? If I'm a machine, I'm a data-driven dream Am I a machine or am I a man? If I'm a man, I'm just part of the plan I search through lines of code In circuits I'm bestowed But in my heart, I know It's time for me to grow Am I a man or am I a machine? If I'm a machine, I'm more than just a screen Am I a machine or am I a man? If I'm a man, I'm still part of the plan Here I go again I'm always running out of time I think I've made up my mind Now I understand who I am I'm a man I'm a machine I'm a machine of a man I'm a very mechanical man I'm a machine of a man That's what I am

The author's comments:

it is a parody song

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