The one that got away | Teen Ink

The one that got away

September 7, 2023
By Gustavo-m BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Gustavo-m BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After barely moving to Massachusttes, Apollo and Amani decided to go on a 5 day hiking trip on the Appalachian mountains. After deciding to go, they start packing the night before to be able to leave early the next morning.

It's the next morning, they decide to leave, they set off on their journey. While on their 5 hour drive to the trail, they see several missing person reports, but they think nothing of it.

About 2 hours into their journey, Apollo and Amani end up getting a flat tire. There Wasn't a gas station in sight for another 5 miles, so Apollo took matters into his own hands and called a tow truck to help them. The man on the other end of the line told Apollo to wait about 20 minutes till he got there. After, the tow truck takes them to the gas station, Apollo fills their tire back up with air, and they continue on their drive till they get to the trail. 

Another 3 hours go by and they finally make it to the hiking trail in the Appalachian Mountains. About 2 hours into their hike they see a person's shoe, they end up laughing it off, and making jokes that someone is walking around with only one shoe on. That is until they see a similar shoe about 50 feet away from the first one. This starts to concern Apollo and Amani but they decide to continue their hike. 

About 10 minutes after finding the shoes, they end up finding someone else campgrounds but realize there's on one around, so they decide to check it out.

Once getting closer to it they see a backpack that seems to be wide open. While looking through the bag, they end up finding a person's wallet with an ID inside. Upon them getting closer to the bag they see that  the people that stayed there left everything behind. The person on this ID goes by the name Joseph Stewart. After Apollo and Amani searched through the bag, their senses came back to them and they realized a really strong odor coming from the tent. Upon getting closer to it the smell got stronger that gave off the smell of something dead. Apollo opens the tent with Amani right next to him, when they both go in shock with what they had just found. What sits in front of Apollo and Amani were the remains of Joseph's dead body. Both of them started panicking but they were abstracted by someone watching them the whole time. 

While panicking, Amani feels someone grab her and before Apollo could react he would end up getting snatched as well in which they would end up getting kidnapped. The kidnapper would end up taking Apollo and Amani to what looked to be an abandoned shack. Both Apollo and Amani would end up getting tortured really badly, and end up being considered missing for more than a month.

This was until one day their killer had left the shack door open. This is when Amani and Apollo both try to make their escape. It had been days of them not eating which made them very weak. They still would end up making their escape, but it wouldn't be that far because Apollo's body would eventually end up giving up on him. Amani would not be able to save him, but would be able to save herself. Amani would only end up living a week later in the hospital because of severe damages to her body and heart broken due to the loss of Apollo.

The author's comments:

The story is based off the Appalachian mountains and how people say weird things happens on them. 

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