Who killed Sarai? | Teen Ink

Who killed Sarai?

September 7, 2023
By meliii07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
meliii07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who killed Sarai?

It was a typical Friday night like always at a family business party. It was mid October I started to feel the cool breeze, and feel the fresh air. It felt nice against my skin. Like every other party we’ve been to ever since our dad started to get more recognition, me and Sebastian were trying to find a way to sneak off to a party that was 20 minutes away from us. This party would just get worse the more time we spent here. Everyone thought we were just the “perfect family” but that was just all for show our parents would do that on purpose. But our sister Sofia found it so thrilling for herself all she wanted was the attention on her, gladly Sebastian and I didn’t mind this in any type of way. Sofia wouldn’t stop prattling to me and Sebastian about how if we got caught it would look so very terrible for our dad and make the family look bad, and that we would get in way more trouble than we did last time not forgetting to add that one of us almost ended critical in the hospital if it wasn’t for our dad calling his bodyguards to get us. Whatever blah blah we stopped listening we obviously weren’t going to listen to her either way. Our parents thought that by us always being together and looking like a “united” family would change the fact that they are bad people and make up for all the problems they have actually caused. At some point during the night Sofia had finally found a new distraction other than bothering us, she had found someone to give her the attention she is always looking for. Me and Sebastian got the opportunity to leave and took it. We left as soon as possible. The night was just starting and we got to the party unnoticed feeling good about tonight. We got separated pretty quickly after arriving which was normal but tonight felt odd with this eerie feeling in my stomach. I was looking for Sarai when a got a call from an unknown number I answered “ You should leave the party now ” they said I stayed quite waiting for them to say something else and they hanged up. I left didn't question it, but I couldn't find Sarai hoping she had left already I went home. Once getting home my parents were in the living room waiting. This was very unexpected because they’re usually asleep and wait to punish us till morning. They asked where Sarai was trying to not show my surprise. I said she had told me she would’ve been home when I arrived. “Is everything okay? ” I said asking because they clearly seemed in distress stopping in my tracks the moment my dad says “she isn’t here were worried we received a call”. Thinking to myself something is definitely wrong she would have said something to me. Sofia came into the room asking what all the commotion was, after my parents explained Sarai was missing she just looked at us as if this wasn't a serious situation and just said she will turn up tomorrow. Sensing she was upset I told my parents it’ll be okay and we’ll see what happens in the morning if we still can’t get ahold of her. Once I got into my room I called my friend knowing he was viable, he was an investigator for certain things like this. Explaining to him what happened and the two random phone calls he said it was a possible chance she was missing and if she wasn’t found soon she could probably be dead… It was oddly dark. I woke up with such a big headache trying to get up or even move around. I felt myself stuck, unable to do anything, everything settling in. I start to panic that there's no way to get any type of help.  It’s been a week since we last saw Sarai. This looks very bad on my parents but I don't care they’re the ones losing their minds over people questioning them as if they aren’t at fault for most people's disappearances. Ignoring them as I pass by to go meet up with my friend, apparently he had found some stuff that can be related to that night. Once arriving  he says Sofia is the cause of all of this. Calling her immediately to question her about this and why she would do it, because there's no way she would know where we went or anything. She arrived and when she saw my friend I could see a small panic in her eyes clearly alert about something. “ Do you know where Sarai is or who took her?” I said  “Omg no??? How would I know where she is” I do not believe her by the way she reacted to that question. Later throughout the day she was acting weird, not her usual self. I got a call around 9 pm asking me to meet them at a gas station near our house hoping Sarai would be there. I went without letting anyone know. It was very quiet around this time. The moment I stepped out of the car I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I got scared. I didn't know what to do so I knocked him out hoping nobody saw and took him where I had Sarai. Our parents didn't suspect a thing since they were focused on planning a funeral service for Sarai thinking she was dead and so the people wouldn't think wrong of them. Everything was blurry. My head was pounding, I heard a faint voice asking me if I was okay. Soon I realized it was Sarai immediately getting my consciousness back. I ask her if she's okay and we catch up on some things when she tells me this was Sofias whole plan to get back at us for what we don't know. The next day was Sarai's funeral I pretended I didn't know what was going on or where Sebastian had disappeared to my parents didn't worry much they were going to say it was too much for him to bear with. Once arriving we saw a bunch of people huddled up which was weird. Going up there me and my parents were baffled by seeing Sarai and Sebastian clearly alive and injured. Slowly going up to Sofia asking how she could do something like this hurting us intentionally. Suddenly I saw her get nervous and pull out a gun aiming it straight to me sobbing, screaming it is my fault. I was confused how she could come to this point. We heard a shot go off but I didn't feel anything I just heard the thud of someone dropping. Looking up I see Sofia's dead body, nobody seeing who it was, everyone running while my family was left standing there with no explanation…. The end

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This is article is a cliffhanger.

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