Lost | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By hp0308380 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
hp0308380 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I’m taking a trip across the Pacific to Australia to see the wildlife and because I like to travel. I get on the plane early in the morning and was kind of apprehensive for the plane ride since it’s a long flight, but I travel a lot so it's not a big deal, there is a little girl that’s sitting next to me and she doesn’t seem scared at all, she actually seems excited so that eased me up a bit. A few hours into flight everything wound down and everybody was asleep except me and the little girl.  It started pouring raining about 10 hours in, It came out of nowhere and the pilot announces there might be some turbulence and to fasten our seatbelts so I put mine on then then the plane started shaking and the little girl started getting scared and tries to run to the back where her parents are sitting but the turbulence was getting worse so I get up and run after her and now everyone was awake clasping their seats and I get to the girl and pick her up because there was no time to try and persuade her to follow me but i was struggling to walk and she was crying and kicking but I got us in our seats and quickly put her seatbelt on and before I could get mine on the pilot is saying something I couldn’t understand over the announcements then the oxygen masks drop and I can feel the plane plummeting down. I grab the seat and quickly put my seatbelt on and put the oxygen mask over me and the girls face,, the whole front half of the plane about 4 seats in front disconnected from us and I could feel the air blowing in and people screaming, then we smacked into the water so hard the seatbelt felt like it was going to cut me in half.  I take me and the girls seatbelt off quickly and put the life jackets on, at this point i'm not even worried where her parents are, i just needed to get her out because the plane was sinking, i quickly get out with the girl as the water is flooding in, i see land about 3 football fields away so i start swimming in that direction, when we got there everyone else that got off was scrambling about looking for the people they came with and a couple with two kids ran up to the little girl and hugged her then thanked me. Now I was abstracted a little bit because I am on a huge island and have no idea if help is even coming but I tried to stay calm so I started setting up camp. Its now dark outside and we have a fire and found some fruits growing, we start to hear loud noises and whatever it is, is definitely big because we can see the trees rustling, we all backup worried because it's getting closer and we couldn’t believe such a chimera and then we hear a scream and realize that a lady that left to use the restroom went in that direction so me and a few other people run over there and she's gone, we start looking around then something dripped on my neck, i looked up and screamed because the girl that went to the restroom was up in the tree but half her body was gone. When we went back to the other people we just said she went missing to at least give them hope and not to worry too much but I was so scared i tried my best to hide the fear on my face. I tried my best to go to sleep but i couldn't stop thinking about that lady, it's the middle of the night and i hear someone screaming frantically and i didnt want to lose whatever that thing was this time so i ran as fast as i could move my feet and when i get to the guy he's clawing at himself and he is covered in bugs, there is so much i can barely see him and before i could do anything he stopped screaming and clawing and just went limp then the bugs scattered. I wanted to ease everyone up the next morning so we all gathered and told stories and a woman mentioned how she has a huge fear of drowning and later that night the same woman was found washed up on the shore later that day and we couldn't save her. People started catching on and realized that our fears were coming to life. We have been on this strange island for 2 weeks and we went from 50 people to 37, the more days that went by the worse the deaths would get and we were losing people fast. On week 3 we hear something in the distance, we only have 25 people left and everyone gets excited because we were starting to lose hope but it's a helicopter, everyone goes to the shore and starts flailing their arms in the air and screaming and the helicopter turns in our direction. We are being rescued, we fit as many people as we could and another helicopter would come to get the rest, after we get about 100 ft in the air the helicopter starts having problems and we all look at each other knowing what is happening and accept our fate. Nobody survived the crash and the location was lost when they crashed because the gps broke. Nobody knows what happened to the other people on the island, some say they all died from their own fears and some say they figured out a way around it.

The author's comments:

A story about a girl who got lost on a island and discovered something mind blowing

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