His Last Halloween | Teen Ink

His Last Halloween

September 6, 2023
By Anonymous

Caleb Warner was just a sixteen-year-old boy in a small rural town in Wyoming. He had just gotten out of school that day and was ready to celebrate Halloween with all his friends. No one could have expected what would happen to him that day.

“Bobby!” Caleb screamed. Bobby with his floppy tongue ran straight to the front door. It was late in the afternoon and they were going on their daily walk in the park. When they arrived at the park it was mysteriously empty except for a man wearing a dirty old white mask. He was sitting on the bench all alone but Caleb didn’t think much about it because it was just gonna be Halloween tomorrow. However, while walking Bobby, Caleb had a sudden urge to use the restroom, so he tied Bobby to a pole apart from a swingset and went to one of the public restrooms. Caleb had then come back to where his dog would be and nothing. There was nothing but Bobby’s collar ripped in half and the man's old rustic white mask. He searched the entire park but no sign of Bobby or the man. He went home alone that night knowing that the autonomous man had done something to Bobby.

The next day at school Caleb had mentioned what had happened last night to his friends, but Ashley and Chris both blamed him for leaving his dog all alone. Ashley and Chris have always been friends with Caleb since the eighth grade. However, Chris had always been the outcast of the group and had always been jealous of Caleb. Caleb always had more friends, more girls, better looks, and was a lot smarter than Chris. Nevertheless, all three of the friends decided to go trick or treating together but none of them knew what to go as. Then Chris had an idea with Ashley to dress up as the mask man according to how Caleb explained how he looked, a rustic white old mask, red beady eyes, and a black ripped leather jacket. 

The late afternoon had finally come, and Caleb and his friends all met up at Ashley’s house. When Caleb saw their costumes he felt the chills that the old man had given him. Although Chris and Ashley saw that Caleb was annoyed, they were humored by the fear they saw in him. When they had finally gotten to the neighborhood where they planned to trick or treat, the first few houses went as normal and they slowly filled their bags. When going to the next house Ashley finally noticed something, there were other people dressed up as the mask man. Ashley saw one man in particular who had just been staring deeply at her. She was frozen, stunned, she didn’t know what to do. Caleb and Chris had to be gone by now she thought to herself. Then slowly she saw the masked man get closer and closer, making his way through the herd of people. She didn’t know if her life was a danger or not, again she was frozen, completely still. She thought certainly she couldn’t be hurt in such a public environment. Then she felt it. The man was right in front of her. A long rusty nail lay inside her body, and still, she was frozen. She felt everything and nothing at the same time. Slowly she started her lifeless descent towards the ground. There was too much going on for anyone to realize what just had happened. 

Caleb was going about his trick-or-treating like usual not knowing where his two friends had gone. He started to worry for them and started searching around for them. He then saw that same masked man staring just as profoundly as the man did in the park. He wasn’t worried at all this time knowing that it was either Ashley or Chris. He tried calling their names but the man stayed completely still not moving a muscle. Thinking it was a bit weird but he was sure that it was one of his friends who was just pulling a joke on him, he started approaching the masked man. That's when he saw the dagger sitting in the man's hands. He was completely put off by this and panicked for a moment. Suddenly the man darted straight towards Caleb. Caleb sprinted as fast as he could, not caring which direction he was going. Panting and gasping while he ran, he headed towards the park he had previously been to. Slowly Caleb would hear as the man's footsteps grew and grew. There was no other option for Caleb. Quickly he grabbed an old, fragile branch off the ground, knowing it would not do much damage, he swung it as hard as he could at the him. The man's shoulder crushed the branch on impact. The masked man shoved Caleb to the ground. Caleb screamed and screamed for help but nothing was going to change what would soon happen. The man finally pulled out his dagger, getting closer and closer. He finally slashed Caleb, slicing the skin on his arm in two. The man kept cutting and slicing and cutting and slicing. Most of them Caleb was absorbing onto his arms, legs, and chest. Covered in his blood, he saw in the corner of his eyes the lights of multiple police cars. Hope was put in him at that moment. The masked killer stood over his body, almost as if he was proud of what he had done to Caleb. Caleb gasping for air, tried getting up one more time, but he knew he was dying. All the policemen hurried straight to the empty field where they both were. Multiple Policemen fired straight towards the man who stood over Caleb's body. He plummeted straight to the ground. Caleb's antithesis lay right beside him as they were both dying. Caleb then shakily removed the mask from the man. He was in utter shock. “Why would he do this to me” he thought. He took his final glimpse at his friend's familiar face. Now both their cold, limp bodies disposed there.

The author's comments:

I am in 11th grade and wrote this story for an assignment.

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