The Rainbow | Teen Ink

The Rainbow

September 1, 2023
By oliviaaagguzman BRONZE, Houston, Texas
oliviaaagguzman BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Rainbow

Every high school has that one trio group that people like to call the “cool kids”; Emily, Sophia, and David were that trio of the high school. On one freezing cloudy day in Ireland, three high school students went to school that day, expecting nothing, just a normal Monday morning. You could even say It was a perfect day! During the first period, the announcements were made just like usual but, these were not just any regular announcements that day. Mr. Frank announced, “Whoever is first to find the Golden Pot by next Thursday at the ‘Leprechaun’s Golden Great House of Gold’ will get a free 100 anytime they ask for one, Be quick to the jackpot!” Soon thereafter, the whole school was talking about it and everyone wanted to be the first person to make it to the gold but also, the myth about the murderous leprechaun was going around.

 They would go over to Emily’s house to discuss how they would be the first ones to get to the pot of gold. They needed to ensure they had all the necessities to get them through this adventure. They all knew that they would have to plan accordingly in order for them to succeed.

 On the days they wouldn’t meet after school, Emily would secretly plan on her own without them to make an even faster way to get it.  She was overcome by her selfishness and was willing to risk it all, even if it meant losing her friendships in the end. Emily wanted to make sure she was first; therefore, she decided to go to bed early. They made sure to make the trip that weekend. Although it was raining, they still went to find the pot.  However, Sophia and David didn’t know that Emily was up to no good. As they followed the rainbow into the woods nobody anticipated what was going to happen next. It took hours and a lot of walking to finally reach a spot to take a break as they got closer to the pot of gold. It was time for Emily to make a move and decided to push Sophia and David off the cliff to their death and make a run to the gold by herself. Although Sophia and David were her closest friends all that was on her mind was getting to that gold! She didn't think twice to abandon her own friends just so she could say that she did it herself. 


As she got closer she saw the gold lying there in this big green pot that shined so bright like a diamond. Emily felt this excitement that she had made it but then felt this sharp pain in her body and immediately fell to the ground and blacked out. The weekend passes by and Monday comes around, people start to realize that the trio wasn’t there and the pot of gold still lies in the hands of the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow. After their disappearance, there was still hope that Emily, Sophia, and David would return. Months go by with no clues to their whereabouts, hope is lost, and the fear of the murderous leprechaun increases. Nobody ever dared to go back into the woods ever again.  

The author's comments:

Some things aren't worth having if it means losing something/someone important in your life.

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