The Love of a Sister | Teen Ink

The Love of a Sister

May 30, 2023
By KillerPopHolly BRONZE, Aroura, Colorado
KillerPopHolly BRONZE, Aroura, Colorado
2 articles 2 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't tell me the sky is the limit if there are footsteps on the moon

There was blood everywhere, she picked the knife up from the red-stained carpet. Looking up slowly, she saw her father, that had stopped being her dad the moment he laid his hand on her, he was shaking with anger and was towering over where she was crouched. She didn’t want to look down, but her eyes seemed to have a mind of their own. They were looking at the floor before she could stop herself. Her sister was looking up at her with lifeless eyes, and her mouth was opened slightly. She was dead, her baby sister, her reason for living, was dead. Jenny had failed her. She promised to protect her from everything. Yet here she was, dead in her lap. And Jenny couldn’t save her. Jenny had watched Craig lift the knife, her sister's back was facing him, she had called out to the little girl while trying to reach her, but it was as if the world was in slow motion, no matter how hard she tried, she was going nowhere near reaching her. Watched as her sister's face lit up, as if someone shined a light on her, as she saw her older sister. She raised her hand to wave to Jenny, and in her eyes, she saw it. In her eyes was love, only love. No anger, or sadness, none of the negative feelings that weighed her down. In Jenny’s little sister's eyes, there was only love, love for her older sister, love for life, love for everything and everyone. So much love that Jenny wasn’t sure how Craig could ever wish to diminish it, the little girl had never even disliked him for all he did. She still thought that he could be redeemed, still loved him after everything. While Jenny had put up barriers, the little girl broke down her own. While Jenny had protected the both of them by being cold to Craig, the little girl just wanted to make him feel better. She had always felt that he was just not feeling well, or was anxious, scared, and whatnot. She felt if only she could help him, he would stop hitting them, stop yelling, stop everything that made Jenny hate him. If only that were true, if only he were redeemable. Things might have been different. Maybe he wouldn’t be bringing the knife down to meet her sister’s back. Maybe if Jenny had tried harder to make her father feel better, like her little sister had, then she could have saved her. Hell, maybe then they wouldn’t be in this situation at all. Jenny was still trying to reach the little girl. She was too far away and time was moving too slowly. She would never reach her in time. She watched as Craig's knife came down and pierced the girl’s skin, splattering blood. Jenny caught her as she fell. As soon as she saw the wound in her back, she knew there was no saving her. The cut was too deep, and in just the right spot, there was nothing she could do. She cried over her sister’s body until she couldn’t feel anything, she didn’t even care if her father killed her too.

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