A messy murder | Teen Ink

A messy murder

May 26, 2023
By Anonymous

I walked in thinking I knew everyone, turns out I thought wrong.

Crowds and crowds of people filled the small but spacious house. My introverted self headed to the drawing room. 

    I thought I walked into the wrong room when I opened the door and found a tall male that I have not met before. I quickly shut the door without saying a word, since I was nervous.

    I slowly walked down the hall to the main living space. Music blaring, some people sober, others not so much. Everyone was having a good time, not a worry in the world for them, for me not so much. 

    As I sat at the kitchen counter with a soda in my hand I couldn't stop thinking about the strange male I saw in the drawing room. There was just something off about him, I don't know if it was the fact I don't know him, or the fact he was on call with someone then quickly ended it when I walked into the room. 

    Everyone was getting ready to leave until we heard a loud scream coming from down the hall leading to the drawing room. As we went to go see what caused the scream I had a gut  feeling that whatever this was, the male i saw in this exact room an hour ago had something to do with it. 

    There he was the famous novelist who was hosting the party tonight.

His body laid there pale and covered with blood, such a horrific image to see. My stomach sank in as people began screaming and crying. I quickly ripped out my phone and dialed 9-1-1. No later than 2 minutes after I hung up the phone, police and FBI agents showed up at the door urgently to figure out whodunit. 

    As the FBI agents began questioning people I began to look for the male I saw in that room. When it was my turn to be questioned I quickly stated that I saw a tall male in that room.“ Can you describe what this male looks like?” It was kinda dark but I will do my best. “ yes he was tall, blonde hair, and wore a plain white tee along with black pants.” “Thank you. You can head back to the living room with the others.”


As I walked back to the living room I tried my best to keep an eye out for him, but there were no signs of him anywhere. I sat myself down at the kitchen table once again. “ hey did you ever see a tall male with blonde hair here tonight?”

“ Yeah, I saw him heading to the backyard when the police showed up.”  without answering back i quickly headed to the backyard with no hesitation.  People gave me weird glances as if they thought I had something to do with this murder. 


I unlocked the door that led to the backyard and saw him. The tall male I saw in the same room we found the body in. He had changed his clothes, he was now wearing a black tee. He hadn't seen me yet but I saw him standing there in the corner once again on the phone. Except this time he looked panicked. 

    I shut the door fast but made sure not to make a noise. I rushed back to the room where the police and FBI agent were questioning everyone in. I opened the door so fast it almost felt as if I broke down the door. 

All eyes were on me, even people from the living room came to see what was going on. 

“ I found him, the male i saw in the drawing room.’ 

    I led the officers to the back where I saw him. They quickly took him in to question him. They let me stay in the room as well. I could see him fidgeting with his finger as if he was nervous. He gave one word responses. “ Do you remember seeing John before he was murdered?” “ no.” he said with a blank face. The officers were just as suspicious of him as I was.

     I told them to check his phone as I had seen him on the phone before and after the murder. They checked his phone and found messages like, “ I'll get it down before the party ends.” “ I think I might get away with this one boss.” “ I need backup, the police were called.” 

    The officers took him into custody as everyone watched. The officers thanked me for the help and left with the murder in the back seat of the car. 

And just like that I found whodunit.

The author's comments:

this piece is one of my favorite  works. i hope you enjoy it as much as i do.

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