The Stalker | Teen Ink

The Stalker

April 28, 2023
By Anonymous

The Stalker

Mikayla was a young girl who enjoyed every bit of life, and William, a boy her age, was madly in love with her, and he did whatever it took to get what he wanted. He was very fond of her existence in all. He didn’t just love her, he wanted to be her.

Mikayla’s childhood was filled with many ups and downs. Her father left her at a young age but her mother provided her with what she could to keep a smile on her face. Mikayla had long curly hair, a button nose, a birthmark the shape of a heart in her eye, and dimples that made every old woman pinch her cheek any chance they got. 

It was the first day of third grade, a year after Mikayla’s father abandoned her. She was old enough to dress and wore pink leggings, a black long-sleeve shirt, light-up sketchers that lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July, and a pink puffer jacket to keep her warm during the ice-cold morning. She got to school early because her mother had worked at an earlier time that day so she migrated to the library while the bell rang for class to start. Once it did, Mikayla was the first one there, and William was the second. The teacher, Ms. Kelly, handed out a piece of paper with everyone’s name, phone number, and address so parents could contact each other if they needed to. Everything seemed normal at first until Mikayla noticed a strange kid staring at her from across the classroom like a hawk. It was William, but she didn’t know that yet. She thought nothing of it and continued on with the rest of the day. Later on, Mikayla’s mother picked her up from school and drove home. As soon as Mikayla walked through the door the home phone rang. Her mother let her pick up the phone.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Is this Mikayla?” the innocent voice replied. 

“Yes, who is this?” 

“Oh, I was just wanting to tell you that I love you.” 

Mikayla knew that voice sounded familiar but she couldn’t put her finger on it. 

“I love you, Mikayla,” repeated the voice.

“Who is this?” she asked in a curious tone.

“This is William. I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you,” he said.

“Well I’m only eight years old and my mom is telling me to hang up,” she confusingly replied.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” 

Mikayla lied about her mother asking her to hang up because she didn’t know what else to say. After that phone call things seemed normal until the next day when William called again. And then he would call, the following day, and the day after that for an entire month. One day, Mikayla’s mother reported to the school that a strange kid kept calling their home phone. However, there was nothing the school could do about it except ask William to stop. So he did.

Everything was as normal as could be for Mikayla for the rest of elementary school. William had not spoken to or glanced at Mikayla in class since the report was made.  

It was her first day of 6th grade, aka middle school. Mikayla’s favorite color was now black. She wore a black Nirvana crew neck she got for Christmas the year before, black leggings with intentional holes above her knees, and hightop black Converse. It was popular for girls to have their hair parted on the side, so Mikayla did what she needed to do to fit in. As she walked into her first-period class, she noticed William was behind her. While the class went on, Mikayla felt like she was being watched, so she looked around and saw William once again, staring at her from across the room with a dead look in his eyes. She felt creeped out and asked to go to the bathroom. As she walked inside, her phone buzzed. It was a friend request on MySpace from an unknown user with the username “IloveyouMikayla.” Mikayla knew exactly who it was and decided to accept it so she could confront him herself. She wrote to him, “Please stop saying you love me. It’s creepy and weird.” He responded with a list of her favorite hobbies, color, and food. He wrote a list of the reasons why he was in love with her, and at the end of the message, was her address. Mikayla freaked out and decided to tell her parents. They once again reported it to the school, however, the only thing they could really do it suspend him for a couple of days and ask him to stop the harassment. William was not stupid, so he did what he was told to do. 

It was the beginning of junior year. Mikayla was really fond of brighter colors and decided to wear a floral dress with white high tops to school. William had left Mikayla alone for six years. She now felt like it was finally over. She hadn’t seen him in those six years and wondered if he had moved schools. That is until she walked into her first-period class, to which she saw William, sitting across the room, looking at her with no soul behind his eyes. Mikayla made sure to sit in a seat where William couldn’t get a perfect view of her. As the class went on she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Maybe it’s my mom, she thought to herself, so she quickly checked and the message was from a number not saved in her contacts. She opened the message. “I can still see you,” it said. Chills went up Mikayla’s spine and she slowly turned to look at him, but he was already staring at her. 

When class ended, Mikayla told her friends what had happened in her first period and they all consecutively agreed to get revenge. Later that night, Mikayla had made a group chat with all of her friends added, then they added William. Once he was in the group chat, everyone started bashing him left and right. 

“You’re such a weirdo,” said one of her friends.

“Stop harassing Mikayla you freak,”  said another.

They made fun of the way he looked and dressed as well. Mikayla even brought up the third grade where he would call her every day to tell her he loved her. They sent all these hateful messages to William and no reply. 

Thirty minutes later, once everyone gave up on trying to get him to respond, they received a notification. It was from William. Mikayla opened it and saw a photo of herself on her phone that seemed to be taken from out her window. She quickly looked over at the window and there he was, standing on the other side with a knife in his hands and a mask on. 

Mikayla was home alone. She quickly ran to her front door to lock it so she had time to call the police. Once she grabbed her phone, she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She looked down and saw the tip of a knife in her lower abdomen and blood oozing out of her like a runny nose. She tried to scream, but her mouth was covered by a big smelly hand. He took the knife out and made her turn around.

 William looked her in the eyes with the mask on and said, “I love you, Mikayla,” then stabbed her once more through the heart and laid her on the ground to bleed out. He then threw flowers all around her and lit candles as if it were a funeral.

The author's comments:

This piece was a midterm assignment for my Creative Writing class and my teacher included a submission to a contest as part of our midterm. So here we are.

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