Serenity | Teen Ink


April 3, 2023
By persephonecel SILVER, Delhi, Other
persephonecel SILVER, Delhi, Other
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
don't be a groupie.

Serena Serenity was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Grandaughter to the one and only multi-millionaire Serafina Serenity. Though her name stands for being at peace and composure what she was like on the outside. Always being kind and tough, not a flinch at what seemed like an inconvenience to her. She is a brunette with hazel eyes that shine back and look the prettiest under the sun. She is fairly thin with her classic curly hair, looking tidy yet messed up hanging all the way to her back. She has a dusky skin tone but is lighter than a tan. She dresses like an old money woman and likes to keep it classy with linens, polos, and “quiet luxury” designer items, in addition to argyle vests, white sneakers, capris, quilted coats, and tailored pieces. She has always been into music and plays the grand piano in the hallway just as melodious as her grandad, Lorenzo Serenity. She is an only child which might seem great at first but means much more pressure for keeping an upcoming image for their family business passed to generations:-

The Serenity Hotel

She is quite retrospective with charismatic and idealistic viewpoints, visionary, and quite an eloquent speaker and writer. She basically has it all but deep down she feels lonely like she has been holding onto something her whole entire life. Antonio Bellucci, the heir of their rivals takes quite advantage of the same. Serena gets morally corrupted by him and becomes an even bigger threat to her family as a result, but comes across his original plan.

What will she do when she finds out the truth:-

accept him or banish him from the earth for the sake of humanity !?

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