Why me pt.7 | Teen Ink

Why me pt.7

January 18, 2023
By living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
27 articles 1 photo 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
The roses are wilted
The violets are dead
The demons run circles
Round and round inside my head

Red grabbed Zoe's hand and pulled her his way running out of the building and leading her. "Wh-at if we get caught?" "I'll take care of that" They turned a corner and there was an exit sign. They ran out the door and into a parking lot. "W-we did it!" She jumped up happily. "Not quite yet" red replied She lead her to a car and unlocked it "Get it" Zoe cautiously got in the car. Red got in the car and started driving. They drove for about 30 minutes till he stopped at a small house. "What is this place?" Zoe asked confused. "my home get inside quickly" She got out of the car and they ran up to the house as he unlocked the door they heard a noise in the bushes next to the house. "GET IN HURRY!" Red pushed her in the door and hurried in after her locking the door behind them. Zoe looked around stunned of how nice it looked on the inside. Red went into a room and came back a few seconds later. "Here this might be a bit big on you but it's better than that nightgown.' Red said as he handed her one of his shirts. "Than-k you"

She grabbed the shirt and looked for somewhere to change. "Bathroom is down the hall you can change there" Zoe went down the hall and entered the bathroom closing the door and changing. The shirt went a bit passed her knees. She walked out and pushed her hair behind her ears. "Better" "Much better Zoe replied. Then there was a knock at the door...

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