Curiosity is a Killer | Teen Ink

Curiosity is a Killer

December 19, 2022
By akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Holy f*ck.”

The words barely came out of Lauren’s mouth before her jaded eyes caught the mark across the dead woman’s chest. The body lay crumpled on the beige carpeted floor, a massacre in the blankness of the big living room. This was the fifth murder this winter. More sh*t for her to clean and cover up. News headlines refused to let out any details, only noting that the killer is targeting middle-aged women and that the ladies should not walk alone.


Unfortunately for the blonde woman that lay on the floor this cold December night, she had made the mistake of walking to her apartment alone. Looking at the big X carved into her chest, Lauren’s blazer sank lower onto her shoulders. NYPD detectives dealt with a bunch of horrific things, but this one in particular gave them the creeps. Whoever was doing this was trying to make the police mad, and heck, they were doing a good job.

“Round up all the evidence and ship it back to the forensic lab. I want every damn fiber examined,”  she said while looking at Officer Liam, who was standing to her right. She sifted her fingers through her auburn hair as she crouched to get a closer look. “And don’t forget to look for fingerprints on her body.”

“Right away Lieutenant,” Liam replied solemnly as he shuffled out of the room. His eyes were bugging out of his head. A rookie cop, he hasn’t seen the worst of it yet. Maybe he’ll realize and quit. That would be better for whatever of his sanity was left.

Lauren got up and shouldered her way out of the room, ducking under the roped tape that read “CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS” to get to the elevator. The other people on the apartment floor were staring from their cozy doors, eyes watching and not blinking. Stepping into the elevator, she shut her eyes as the doors slammed together and waited for it to reach the lobby.

The deaths that happened so far by the hands of this killer were all women aged 35 to 41. He was either a former cop or he knew one, because the tactics were almost perfect. The slashes and scars were screaming at her. This killer would kill again. And again. Most sexual psychopaths are hard to find, especially in New York City. He could kill anyone, even her, next.

Bing! The mahogany doors woosh open as she steps one heeled foot after another into the lobby. Cameras aimed at her face followed her steps, the regular buzz of the press trailing out the door. Lauren could already see the headlines, “NEW YORK KILLER STRIKES AGAIN” on every local TV screen. Cops were shoving their way through, trying to get to the door. If only it wasn’t this busy, it would be easier to figure out who was behind all this. Goddamn the man who notifies the press.

Climbing into her black car, she turned the key, the Volkswagen rumbling and ready to drive home. What a long day. Everyday seemed the same, reassuring her that this killer was still out there. He could be anyone, anyone walking down the street. Sighing, Lauren pulled out of PARK and drove to the one person she wanted to see today. The one person that she could rely on through all of this, the person she trusted the most. 

Her parents rarely ever called. The last time they did was her 26th birthday this year to wish her well. Ever since she had moved out to pursue her career, they hadn’t really spoken to her, the thought of becoming a cop and risking your life everyday wasn’t appealing to them. They were the classic type of parents who wanted grandchildren, and Lauren was the disappointment to that expectation. Because of that, she only visited them on holidays. 

Turning the key, her car shut off as she grabbed the handle of the door to get out.  She was careful not to bump the door against the Mercedez she parked next to. The door opened on its own, and standing by the door was a tall man. His brown hair caught in the wind, his rumpled jeans showing that he had just woken up. His sweatshirt barely hid the strong muscles underneath. His blue eyes caught hers, and he spoke softly to her.

“Gosh babe, it’s almost midnight.”

“I know, Jace, I know. I just got off my shift and I don’t feel like going back. How’d you know I’d be coming?”

“Could sense your beauty a mile away. A new case already?”

“Very funny. Yeah, I don’t want to talk about it. I think I’m gonna puke.”

He carried her steadily into the door of his small home, the yellow lights peeking out the windows. It was a quiet neighborhood. The only thing that could be heard was a distant dog barking in someone's backyard, the sound drifting into the night sky. It was warm, a cozy place compared to Lauren’s apartment building, which was always packed with people. The radio whispered echoes of music quietly in the atmosphere. That’s why she loved coming here. While she took off her shoes, he closed the door behind them and walked to the small kitchen, where he leaned against the cabinets and faced her as she took a seat on the stool behind the counter.

“You want me to make you something to eat? You look starved.”

Lauren looked at him skeptically. “Since when did you learn how to cook?”

“Since meeting you, mademoiselle.” He tipped her a wink.

“Oh, come off it,” she said as she turned her head to look at anything but him. How was he so charming this late at night? Jesus, everyone in the neighborhood was dead asleep by now. The thought of Jesus with his arms open to people in the middle of the night made her stifle a giggle. He raised an eyebrow.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, just make me something I have a taste for hun. I’ll go shower and change into my pajamas.”


“Of course, of course.”

Turning the volume higher on the radio dial, Jace turned and watched as Lauren closed the bathroom door, hoping she wouldn't lock it. Lauren, humming along to Kenny Rogers singing “You have made me what I am…” undressed, the layers of professional clothing coming off with ease. She placed her favorite fluffy towel onto the porcelain sink, turning the shower water on. As she looked down near the drain, she stopped humming.

There were tiny red dots around the silver drain, almost brown with the time that had passed. She had seen this way too many times in her career, and recognized it instantly. It was dried blood. The dots ran into a wider circle as they climbed up the sink. That was very odd, Jace looked fine. He didn’t have any injuries, now that she thought about it. 

“Jace?” her voice cracked as she yelled over the sound of the running water, unlocking the door.

“What hun? Is everything okay?” Jace replied as he came running towards the bathroom, leaving the heat under the pasta boiling. He would pay for that later. “What’s the yelling fo-

He stopped mid sentence as he stared at Lauren. Her naked body stood in front of the doorway, the steam from the shower billowing behind her in clouds. The white fumes curled as they crept around her legs, and his eyes rolled up to her face. Her fiery hair looked angry in the lighting. She looked at him with concern, and beckoned him to follow her to the sink. He swallowed as he followed her.

“What’s this? Is there something wrong that I don’t know about?” Lauren said as she pointed a small finger towards the drain. 

He had a hard time focusing on what she was pointing at, and took her hand in his own. He stroked her thumb with his own and reassured her calmly,  “Just a bloody nose from the cold weather honey, I’m obviously fine. You can look, I’m definitely not injured.”


Ending that sentence, and grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her close. At the touch of his ravenous hands, Lauren’s heart sunk lighter into her chest. She could feel his heart racing against her cheek.

“God you’re so beautiful,” he whispered as leaned down to kiss her neck.

“Hun, I’m dirty. Let me shower,” she pleaded, the water still running in the back.


“I can dirty you up a bit more before you do.”

“No. Go check on the food. It’s probably burnt by now, knucklehead.”

“Alright, fine. But you owe me after dinner’s ready.”

He reluctantly pulled away and walked back to the kitchen. Forgetting all about the sink, Lauren went to lock the door quickly and hopped into the shower. 


She woke up in bed the next morning, groggily rubbing sleep from her eyes. Turning over so that she could look at Jace, she fully woke up when she saw that his side of the bed was empty. 


The sun was peeking through the closed blinds, hitting her body as she got up to get dressed. Buttoning up her linen pants, she walked over to the bathroom. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she looked at the sink. It was completely clean. In fact the entire bathroom was. Why was Jace always cleaning so much after she came over? This isn’t the first time he has cleaned so well. Strolling into the living room Lauren saw a “2” blinking on the voice messages inbox on the home phone. She pushed the button on it and listened.

“Hey hun, just wanted to let you know I might be out a bit longer than usual today. Come meet me at the City Square at 10:30 tonight, alright? Right by the big tree. I want to see you.”

That was Jace. She moved to the next message, a panicked voice rushing to meet her.

“Lieutenant, you’ve gotta get down here. I’ve tried to reach you on your landline but it was marked busy so I called here hoping you’d pick up. We’ve got another body on our hands, this time a young 20 year old woman found by the side of the road. Address is 137 Harvard Road. You better come and look.”

Her landline was busy? She wasn’t home. Was someone in her apartment? Was the line cut?

She grabbed her things, locked the house door behind her, and ran to her car.


It was 10:28, the city buildings condescending in the dark light. She stood on the gray concrete, her legs exhausted from the heels she wore day to day. The recent death of the women chilled her to her bones. She was the first target that was under 30. A slight bitter wind was picking up, sending little snow flurries everywhere, the sound of cars honking at each other bounded off the walls. A huge Christmas tree stood in the middle of the City Square, the lights from it blinding and cheerful compared to what the city really was.

A familiar gray Mercedez pulled up next to her, and Lauren recognized Jace behind the wheel. She put her hands on her hips as he climbed out to meet her, his dress shirt unbuttoned.

“Jace, where the hell have you been? What is going on?”

“Honey, I can explain. Please just come with me in my car. I need to show you something.”

Lauren raised her eyebrows at this.

“And what am I going to do with my car? Just leave it here?”

“Park it somewhere, we’ll come back here for it.”



She quickly drove her car to a nearby parking area, him tailgating her close behind. Her Volkswagen was an undercover cop car, which is something she didn’t let anyone know. Jace had never been in her car, so he wouldn’t know about the things she kept in there. She quickly grabbed her M9 out of the glovebox, checked to make sure it was loaded, and shoved it into the inside pocket of her trench coat. Just in case.

Jace opened the driver’s door for her and she reluctantly got out in the cold. 

“What’s so important that you can’t just tell me here?” she said while he walked her to his idling car.

“It’s more of a show over tell. You’ll see,” he breathed as he opened the passenger door for her. They climbed in and he locked the doors.  Pulling out of the parking lot, the car made its way farther out from the city.

“Why are we going so far from the city?” Lauren asked as she looked at the buildings. “What could possibly be out here?”

“Hush, you’ll see it when we get there.” He didn’t even look at her as he spoke. She could see that he was breathing shallowly. “And don’t ask me so many questions.”

The car inched out further into land that Lauren herself had never driven into, the snow disappearing as they went. This made Lauren start to panic, this drive was much longer than it felt. Now they were in a suburban neighborhood, a litter of 2-3 houses here and there. He stopped by a small house on the corner.

Quickly he unlocked the doors and motioned for Lauren to follow him into the house. She hesitantly climbed out, and started up the sidewalk. This house was minimal, there were only 2 bushes out in front. One story. Probably didn’t have a basement either. Jace kept turning around to make sure she was behind him, and disappeared into the dark of the front door.

“Jace, what is this about?” she yelled as she stepped her right foot through the front door. Suddenly he grabbed her by the arms and pulled her in. Then he turned quickly and shut the door.

“I think I’ve found your murderer. Someone gave me a lead and I followed it here,” he said as he clutched her arm, leading her into the living room. There was a basement after all, she noted as she saw the staircase next to the kitchen. “Come on.”

They both walked down the basement stairs, Lauren going in front of Jace. If this was where the murderer was, this would finally solve the headache she has had the past few months. Her hand reached and gripped her gun tightly in her pocket. When there were two steps left, suddenly she was shoved from behind and fell onto the ground. He quickly climbed on top of her, and pinned her arms behind her back.

“Jace wha-”

“Be quiet.”

Police training didn’t do much to help her arm strength, but she folded her calves behind his knees and shoved, making him topple over. She quickly took advantage of this and got on top of him. 

“What the hell? What has gotten into you?” looking into his eyes she tried to search for something and found nothing. “You’re really that stupid? Tackling me from behind? God.”

He growled low in his throat, and pushed her back with strength that came from God knows where. Her back slammed against the far concrete wall, and she let out a cry as she fell down into a heap of cluttered items. He was running towards her. She fumbled for her pocket, her heart racing. The room was distracting her, and in her side eye she saw something long and silver gleaming in the corner of the room. She didn’t notice the smell until then, the scent of iron running up her spine. 

“Come on, come on, f*ck-f*ck-f*ck” she whispered as she desperately looked for her gun. Jace was shoving the things out of the way, trying to get to her. Her hand found the cold metal, and she tried to see where she could aim. Adrenaline was clutching her fingers tight. The gun went off, twice. Jace’s leg was hit. He stumbled as the pain shot up his leg.

“You b*tch. I’m gonna kill you for that.”

He grabbed her by the waist out of the pile in blind rage as she tried to reload, and the gun fell to the floor. His arms heaved her up and threw her to the ground. Her left leg landed at an awkward angle, and she clenched her teeth together as the bone grated. She tried to get up.

“Oh no. You’re not going anywhere,” he spat out as he dragged her to a chair near the staircase.

She turned around and spat in his face as he dragged her on the ground. Dirt was getting in her hair, on her body. It stung like hell. “It was you this whole f*cking time. I should’ve known. The blood in the sink, the way you always clean things when I come over. Too clean. Too neat. The way you were prepared for me always. It was you.”

“It’s kinda late for that analogy, princess.”

He shoved her onto the chair, but before she fully hit the seat she grabbed it and held it in front of her. Shaky arms steadied as she found balance. The bullet that was nestled in his leg was finally taking its toll, the blood was rushing out all over the floor. She noted that he was limping, and this would give her an advantage. Before he could do anything, she threw the chair and ran. Up the basement stairs. She heard him stumbling behind her.

“Lauren, Lauren. Come back. Please. I love you.”

Making it to the top, her heart broke as she realized that the man she had loved the most had betrayed her. As a cop this was embarrassing. You’re always taught not to trust anyone, and keep enemies closer than friends. What a shame it came to be. She could hear his warm breath right behind her, and grabbed the door as she stumbled out. Out of the basement, she turned around quickly and slammed the door on his fingers that were finding a grip on the sides.


“Go to hell Jace,” she spat. With that Lauren opened the front door and got out of the house. She ran to his car, ready to get the hell out of there and to the nearest police station.

The author's comments:

This is a story about a woman who finds out that the man she is dating could be the one she has been searching for this whole time. 

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