Bad Halloween | Teen Ink

Bad Halloween

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

“AAAAHHHHH!” Screamed my cousin Fae, she buried herself into the blanket whilst I laugh at her. Guts and blood falling all over the room in the TV screen. I pause the movie with the remote.

“Fae it’s not that scary!” I laugh out, she throws a throw pillow at me. She comes out from under the blanket and crawls over to me on the couch. 

“Yes it is! The ‘normal’ doll just threw and killed three people! And we aren’t even through one hour of the movie!” I pushed her back to her spot and sat back down, grabbing the remote unpausing the movie then throwing the remote across the room. As i’m getting comfy again Fae points over to something in the dark on the rocking chair.

“You know Nina things would be a lot less scarier without the old doll on the chair staring into our souls!” I look over to the chair and see the old creepy doll I hated. I get up from the couch in a flash, strutting over to the chair and grabbing the doll by the left arm.

“I swear I put this thing away earlier. I literally remember throwing it into a container in the storage room!” I walk over to the storage room and throw the doll in there. I shut the door and walk over to the couch and lay back down.

“You must be going crazy.” Fae looks over to the door. “I must be,” 

After the movie is over, i’m on the floor begging Fae to watch another horror movie.

“Please, Please, Pleaseeee Fae it’s Halloween we have to watch another movie!” My hands on her knees, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. She shoves them off and crosses her arms. 

“No no and no!” She falls back on the couch. I roll my eyes and put my hand on her shoulder. 

“Oh come on…. It will be one more movie!” She signs and nods her head as I jump back to my spot and turn on another movie. As we are watching it I look over to the right side of me and I see the doll. 

“What the actual heck! Fae when did you have the time to get up and grab the doll?” I get up and walk over to the doll.

“I didn’t grab it. I can’t move, i’m scared to move!” Fae cries out and ducks behind the pillow. 

“Ha, get up and come here!” She wines and walks over to me. I grab the doll and make her throw it in the bin and shut the door. 

We sit back down and watch the movie until the end. 

“Tell me again when your parents and brother will be home.” I think for a second and then turn to her.

“Well it’s Friday and Halloween, so they will be back on Monday and you’re staying until then got me!” She nods and turns around. Watching and watching as the best part is about to happen. I’m on the edge of the couch, Fae behind every blanket and pillow in the world. Then pitch black. I can’t see anything, I fall off the couch and get back up. 

“The stupid storm must have cause a fuse to blow. Get up and lets go fix it.” I say as I walk towards the storage room bumping into the wall  but I turn back around and feel for Fae but nothings there.

“Fae?” I walk over to the couch hitting the side of it. 

“No i’m not moving!” She whispers from under everything. I reach my arm into the pile and pull on her arm. Once shes finally out from the pile I drag her over to the storage room. I open the door and walk through it. I feel around trying not to bump into some of the shelves. 

“Turn on your phone flashlight,” Fae says behind me clinging to my arm. I grab my phone out of my pocket and turn it on. I stop right there pointing to light straight ahead of me.

“What, what is it!” Fae cries from behind me. I grab her and pull her around. 

‘T..That thing was in a..a bin over there! Why is it out?” My voice trembling. The doll was face down on the box. Fae and I look at each other, then back at the doll. But this time the doll was sitting up, looking straight into our souls. 

“What the hell!” We turn around and run back to the other room. Once we were out we slammed the door and barricaded it. 


“IT’S NOT MY DOLL!”  I yell back. 

We walk over to the stairs at the brisk pace. Stopping right in front of them. I let out a sigh. 

“This is a freaking joke!” I let out. My doll was sitting on the stairs. I turn around and grab a blanket. Fae and I grab the doll and wrap it in the blanket. We walk up the stairs and walk outside to the backyard and throw it in the fire pit. 

“It’s time to die b*tch!” Fae yelled at the doll. I light the lighter and throw it in the fire pit. The doll lighting on fire immediately. The rain puts the fire out for us. We turn around and walk inside.

After changing we sit in the living room. 

“We never fixed the breaker. We have to do that” I whisper. Fae sigh’s and gets up. We walk through the storage room with flashlights on. Once the lights come back on we turn around and see the burnt, crisped and destroyed doll. 

“No No No No No!” Fae sobs. We run past it but it just appears right in the door way. Fae grabs the hammers and the ax from the wall. She hands me the hammer and we pick the doll up and smash her to pieces then we put her back in the fire pit and relight her on fire. We run inside and pack our things.

“I think My Little Pony will due for the rest of the weekend. And We are going to your house!” I say while packing clothes and other things. Fae nods as she puts her things in her bag. We sprint down the stairs, but light with our steps. I grab my keys to my car and we head out the front door. 

“Hurry! Drive already” Fae screams in my ear. I brush her off looking behind me to back out. Once i’m out of my driveway I don’t look back at the house and just go

It’s a good thing we left because my house was on fire two hours later and the first to arrive at the scene said they saw a doll sitting in the flames. What a Halloween.

The author's comments:

I got the idea from my teacher to write this and since it was during Halloween I was watching all kinds of horror and Thriller movies so this kinda came very easily and naturally.

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