Fear | Teen Ink


October 25, 2022
By ShyShy52 BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
ShyShy52 BRONZE, Sulphur, Louisiana
3 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What goes around comes around.

No one knows what their scared of until they witness death. Why did one of those people have to be me. The smell of popcorn in the air filled my lungs greatly. The carnival was in town. Even though I hated it, my family loved it, so I went.

“Joan? Can we go get cotton gandy? Pwease?” My little sister jumped up and down with excitement.

“You mean cotton candy. Plus, mom only gave me enough money to get popcorn and tickets. I’m sure your happy with that Tasha.” I got down on my knee while the crowd moved around me and Tasha.

“NO! NO! I want it now. Now!” She fell on the ground in tears. My head started pounding from her screaming and others around. I picked her up and took her to the bathroom.

We skipped through the crowd because she still screamed.

“Mommy! I want my mommy!”

“OK, we are almost in the bathroom then I will find mom. Ok?” I looked at her.

“OK.” She said with her arms around my neck.

We went into the bathroom. The light halfway blinded us. It smelled like pine.

“Come on Tasha. Time to change your pamper.” I laid her down on the changing table. While I changed her there was a knock on the door.

“Hey, its Billie the clown. I need you out in 5. Other folks must use the restroom”. He yelled through the door.

“Ok, but can you leave? You’ll make my sister cry if you scream too loud.” I asked.

“Your alone by yourself?” That question sent chills down my body.

“No. my mom is on the toilet. Sorry, but I can’t talk anymore.” His footsteps receded. I put Tasha down and walked to the toilet and closed the stall door.

“Stay right here baby.”

 The toilet flushes.

“Tasha, you can come in now.” I unlock the stall door.

“Come on baby.” She made no sound. I walked out to find the bathroom door open. My heart dropped to the ground; I knew my sister was now missing. How did the door unlock? I ran out the door and my heart pumped; I started screaming.

“Tasha! Tasha! Where are you!? I could barely hear my own voice over the carnival music. I look through the crowd to see a glance at her face. He was holding her. The clown, I ran faster. I almost caught up with him, but I was grabbed into a dark corner it was cold and scary a man stepped over me, but I could not see his face.

“Stop let me go!” I screamed.

If you want your sister back give me your money.” He grabbed my throat. My eyes burned as I gave him the money without hesitation.

“Thank you.” He stabbed me in the side and dropped my head. He put Tasha next to me. Tasha laid on me.

“Sissy. Let’s take a nap.” I laid my hand on her and slept.

The author's comments:

Its a great thrilling story that will make you keep an eye out for your siblings.

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