More Than Meets The Eye | Teen Ink

More Than Meets The Eye

October 21, 2022
By Salmonlucas BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
Salmonlucas BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly Friday night in Colorado when Joseph and Daniel finally made it to their destination. “That took a very long time, my god!” Exclaimed Daniel. 

Joseph responded, “Well it couldn’t have gotten any worse with your horrendous driving. You almost crashed into a tree, a damn tree.” Moving that scene aside, right ahead of the twins stood a large shiny, brass gate. It had a sign which read “Welcome to the neighborhood of террор.” It opened by itself; it opened in a way that made it look alive. It seemed like a predator that was stalking its prey… and waiting to gobble it up. However, they didn’t think much of it, and so they drove right in. After a few minutes of driving, they found themselves at the neighborhood's real entrance, but there was no security guard booth; there was nothing at all. There was just a road that continued on into the dark abyss; the stomach of the beast. Joseph asked, “Are we supposed to go right ahead?” 

“It would appear so,” said Daniel with a suspicious look in his sky blue eyes. 

They eventually made it to the innards of the neighborhood, and with careful observation, it would be clear that the twins would need to adapt to this new environment. терроp’s bowels were like a maze; there was one path to the right, one to the left, and one directly ahead of them. There were dense clusters of vegetation, and a very heavy fog which almost blinded them. There were also no signs to help guide those who found themselves lost in this labyrinth. It was a mess of houses and lakes, but Joseph and Daniel had eventually found their designated house and parked the car. They had finally made it. It was probably one of the largest houses in the neighborhood; it had two stories, a black shiny roof which reflected the moonlight, and its walls were in a terrible state of decay. It also had a red door which looked like a rose. They got out, and ran towards the porch with enthusiasm and were stopped dead in their tracks. Right there in front of them, was a horde of extremely large brown cockroaches scurrying across the porch; much bigger than the cockroaches any of them had seen back in New York. If that wasn’t bad enough, the cockroaches started flying around and landed on Joseph’s head. “Oh my god they can fly! Get them off! Get them off!” Joseph yelled.

He could feel the hooked legs scratching his scalp and feeling around his slick blonde hair. Before long, Daniel managed to scare them off by smacking them, while Joseph stared ahead with disbelief. “Are you going to thank me for saving you,” asked Daniel. There was no response from Joseph. As if that encounter wasn’t bad enough, they were also pushed back by the putrid odor of rotting wood and animal excrement. They looked at each other with a look of disgust and knew they had nowhere else to go but forward. It was clear that this house had been abandoned for some time. 

“It makes sense that this house is in poor condition,” said Josh. “We bought it for 30 dollars.” 

“Any house will do, plus, we will only be here for a week at most” said Daniel.

Obviously, nobody would want to live in a house infested with cockroaches and that was probably haunted, but they needed somewhere to stay while they investigated something peculiar of the sorts. A few weeks prior, Josh’s friend had told him about something strange about террор. He was told that террор was a very feared neighborhood, however, it seemed normal. Apart from the abandoned houses and terrible smell, it was ordinary; having 64 houses in total, with 60 being divided into 3 main roads or sections. These were Nikada Ne Road, Idi Dalje Road, and Od Kapije Road. They heard stories about people who entered the neighborhood, spent a night in one of these houses, and never came back. They were also told stories of a road no one would dare explore. It was called Сатана road. All three of the other roads had paths which connected to this road; this very odd road. The road leads to a gate which in turn, leads into a large dark forest. Beyond the slender trees and foggy mist, were 4 houses - abandoned houses. It was said that whoever ventured to the 4 houses also never came back. Everything would get a person killed in this neighborhood, wouldn’t it? The campsite that the houses were located in was called Fool’s Damnation. Many believed that this area was uninhabited….. by no human, at least. Nobody knew what lurked in those dark forests, and nobody wanted to find out; that was until now. Joseph and Daniel ultimately decided to come, because they found out that anyone who successfully explored Fools Damnation and made it out alive; while managing to collect data for the U.S. government of course, would receive one million dollars. Today, they would rest, but tomorrow they would wake up early in the morning, and they would start their expedition. When midnight came around their house started to rumble in an odd fashion. Unfortunately, they were not aware that they had gotten themselves stuck in a spiderweb. They were sleeping in the mouth of a nocturnal predator. While they were sleeping, the house opened its slimy yellow eyes and opened its wide gaping mouth that was filled with hundreds of pointed needle shaped teeth. Joseph was the first to wake up and quickly notified Daniel. “Come on, wake up!” He said, “we need to get out of here, now!” The monstrosity of a house brought its jaws down with all of its force. However, they managed to make it out just in the nick of time. They immediately ran away onto the road, and made sure they were nowhere close to the creature. 

“You have got to be kidding me. These houses are alive!” Said Daniel

“Daniel…. ” said Joseph with chattering teeth. “Look!” The house wasn’t where it should have been; it wasn’t anywhere in sight. Just then, the twins heard a horrible noise. They heard the scratching and scraping of long sharp legs against the road’s asphalt. They turned around and there it was, the same house which tried to eat them earlier. Only this time, it had eight crimson silky legs which moved around with an unnatural amount of agility. This predator wasn’t alone, and as Joseph and Daniel were about to find out, it liked to hunt in packs. Suddenly, almost all of the houses around them unloaded themselves from the Earth and gave chase. Daniel and Joseph immediately started running, they didn’t know where they were going, but they were definitely not staying. They ran as fast as they could, They had probably been running for 30 minutes now. Their lungs were probably charred since it was getting hard to breathe. They needed to think of something fast, because those houses were catching up. Suddenly, Daniel had an idea.

“Joseph,” he said, “We need to split up when we reach the intersection ahead.”

“Are you crazy,” responded Joseph.

“We can reunite if we make it Сатана road!” Daniel said, “These things are dumb as dirt; they don’t know how to work together, but we do.”

“Fine, you go right, I go left,” Joseph said with a reassuring smile.

They both gave each other one last look, and went on with the plan. To their surprise, it actually seemed to be working, the entities crashed into each other, and this bought the twins some time. After a chase that seemed to last forever, they could both see Сатана road. They were both scared, but if they had to choose between being the entities’ dinner or taking their chances in the forest; they were selecting the forest. They both made it to Сатана road and expected for the chase to continue, but the entities wouldn’t dare step foot on this road. It was as if there was an invisible border between them. The two twins suddenly fell to the ground and started laughing.

“We actually made it out alive,” said Daniel.

“I guess your plans aren’t so bad after all,” Joseph responded with a smirk on his face. After resting for a few minutes, they both got up and continued walking forward. They were both scared, but they needed the cash prize. So they walked forward until they found themselves standing in the vicinity of the forbidden gate. 

“We did survive a pack of house spiders,” said Daniel. “How bad could it possibly be?” They were both about to find out that it would be catastrophic. But that is a story for another time.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Lucas and this is my first short story!

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