The person on the top bunk | Teen Ink

The person on the top bunk

September 12, 2022
By Chaney717 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Chaney717 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gina lived in a peaceful house with her sister Aliza,and her parents. Gina always got in trouble and never sat still. While her sister, Aliza, was always good and always tried to stay away from trouble.

One day while the two sisters were home alone Gina told Aliza that she bought an ouija board. Aliza knew this was a bad idea and knew  what her sister was about to ask and refused right away. It took Gina a few minutes to convince Aliza to play with her, and in the end Aliza gave in. Aliza has heard alot about the ouija board and what it can do, from school and also from her parents; their parents are really against anything to do with ghosts or messing with the other side.This probably led to Gina buying the ouija board just because it’s against the rules.

When Gina took out the ouija board and laid it on the dining table shivers went down Aliza’s spine, and this made Aliza know something was going to happen. She started to regret the decision of  agreeing to do this with her sister. She instantly told her thats they shouldn’t do this anymore. Gina said that Aliza was being a chicken and reassured her nothing was going to happen. Aliza calmed down and reconsidered and decided to do it. Before playing Aliza hesitated, for the second time her sister had to reassure her that nothing was going to happen but with a more annoyed tone.

Once they started playing Gina was excited and curious to what was going to happen while Aliza was really anxious, the thought of summoning something or their parents finding out scared her to death.Gina started to ask questions while Aliza anxiously waited for an answer. Minutes later, their was no answer Gina was disappointed while Aliza was relieved. Aliza started to get ready to stop all of this and then Gina begged her for one more question and then end the game. Aliza agreed just so they can end the game as soon as possible before their parents got home. Gina began to ask the question “If you’re here give us a sign.” It was silent and right when they were going to end the game for good; the dining chair across from the shift. Gina’s excited and curios expression quickly changed.They both froze and slowly turned toward each other. They quickly ended the game terrified and hid the game so their parents wouldn’t find it.

One their parents got home, their mom noticed that Aliza was as pale as a ghost. She asked whats wrong Gina glared at Aliza hinting that she shouldn’t tell her or they would be in big trouble. Aliza says that she's just not feeling good. After a whole week nothing out of the ordinary happened. They started to beleive that the dining chair that moved was just a figment of their imagination . They later on started to forget about it and feel more at ease and more comfortable at their house. 

But the peacefulness did not last long; one day while Aliza was on her phone with ear buds in, laying on the bottom bunk of her and her sisters bunk bed she started to hear banging, At first Aliza thought it was coming from her ear buds but then the noise kept getting louder.She then took out her ear buds and the loud banging continued. She recognized the noise because her sister whop sleeps on the topp bunck always bangs on the wooden frame the bunk bed to annoy her. Aliza yell at Gina to stop. It paused then Aliza put her ear buds back in then she started to hear the noise again but this time it was even louder. Aliza got even more irritated and yelled once again for it to stop, after all the times Aliza told her to stop it kept going. Aliza got up and climbed up the ladder 3 steps enough to see the top bunk of the bed, the noise stopped, and no one was there Aliza paused in confusion. She then realized her sister was never there and began to feel terrified. Her sister came to check on Aliza asking why there was so much noise. Aliza turned her head with a shocked and terrified face Gina asked what happened.They both decided to sleep in the living room and avoid telling their parents.

Their parents started to notice and asked them why they weren’t in their rooms. Aliza and Gina decided to tell their parents what happened with their bunk bed and not the ouiji board to avoid getting in trouble. Their parents were concerned and confused because nothing has happened until now. They said that it's probably a coincidence, or something was in the attic, but Gina and Aliza know the actual reason. Right after their parents said it wasn’t real, the door to the sisters room in the hall slammed shut. Everyone stood there shocked. They all stood in silence not knowing what to do or what to expect next.The parents then realized it was real, they all decided to have a family talk and they all decided to ignore and maybe it will go away.

That’s when the problem worsened. The more they ignored it the more violent the thing got.It got to the point they woke up with scratches and bruises, and also had sleep paralysis or nightmares so they started to sleep less and less. It even started to follow them to places so they felt like they were never alone. The worse and worse it got the more the sisters wanted to admit to the parents what they did. They eventually came to their senses and admitted to the parents that they played with the ouija board. Their parents were furious. They scolded them for the past hour saying it's all their fault and none of this were to happen if they just didn't mess with other side. They apologized multiple times. They felt guilty but Gina was even more guilty since it was all her idea.

After the arguing everything went quiet.the sisters looked up to see why it went quiet all of the sudden and they saw both of their parents looking down the hall with a petrified look on their face. The sisters were too scared to look so they asked them what was wrong instead. Their dad slowly lifted his arm and pointed his finger toward the hallway saying “demon”. The sisters turned around and froze just like their parents did. It was pure silence except for Aliza’s screaming. There was a tall shadow figure down the hall looking at them with no movement. The tall shadow figure had a large eerie grin and big terrifying red eyes, the most terrifying thing you can see in your home. They all slowly unfroze and ran to the door when they came to their senses.

They stayed at a hotel and ended up selling their house. There was no way they would ever go back to that demon house .Gina learned a lesson from this experience and she won’t ever mess with the other side again.

The author's comments:

I go to pasadena Memorial high school and i love art. I came up with story because of a scary event that happened in real life.

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