Lights Out This Friday Night | Teen Ink

Lights Out This Friday Night

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Last semester, Nya was an honors student, very autonomous, so she didn’t have many friends. She was even voted likely to succeed because of how focused she was on the future. She was at the top of her class! Who knew it would all descend so fast because of a boy? Aiden Ross, the football quarterback. Aide Ross, her first love. Aiden Ross, the reason she became unfocused. Aiden Ross, who was now just a memory.

Nya had always had an on and off fling with Aiden. Although she found his friends exacerbated, Nya was interested in Aiden the most. He had dreams, he was even intelligent. He just chose the wrong group of friends. His friends, Derrian and Jason, didn’t really have any goals after high school. That's what separates Aiden from his friends. Nya and Aiden were always so on and off, mostly because Nya was always so focused on school, whereas Aiden had already committed to a college in Georgia. At least that was Nya’s point of view.

Aiden always thought Nya was too good for him. He always hid her from his friends because he was embarrassed of her. She didn't know how to be chill or have fun. Of course, he never admitted it. That was until one day Nya and Aiden got into another one of their gaslighting arguments. It resulted in Aiden telling Nya how he really felt and Nya leaving his house in tears. Were they finally over?

Nya felt embarrassed. Was she really that boring? What was so wrong with her being focused on her future so she could be successful? Maybe Aiden is right. Maybe she should try to have more fun. Maybe even give herself a makeover. That’s exactly what she did. Over the weekend, Nya changed her style. She even made an appointment with her eye doctor to get prescription eye contacts. Finally, Monday had arrived. What would everyone think? Why did Nya value everyone’s opinion suddenly?

Nya walked into School with her head held high. She strutted down the hallway in her short, pink, leather skirt. She felt like Sandy from Grease. Good girl gone bad. She strutted right past Aiden, who didn’t even recognize her at first, until Derrian pointed her out. Nya must have really impressed him for Aiden to apologize so quickly, he even brought her flowers the next day. Nya and Aiden finally became a real couple. That’s all Nya had wanted since the 8th grade.

Things changed for Nya. She became the most talked about girl in school. She was either with Aiden or being complimented in the halls. Everything was as close to perfect as possible. 

Until, one night at a party, Aiden was heavily drinking. Nya was a little worried but thought nothing of it, considering Aiden was always drunk at home. Nya started to feel tired and was ready to go home. She went to go find Aiden who was in the corner with some girl kissing and touching her. Nya, being delusional, thought maybe he was too drunk to realize it wasn't her. She approached him and told her she was ready to go see him and that the girl he was kissing was him. Aiden expressed to Nya that he was well aware. Nya left the party that night in tears.

After that weekend, Nya started being a loner again. The rumors made by Aiden and his friends roamed the hallways at school. They were people calling her psychotic, only because they didn't know her side of the story. Nya felt so misunderstood and alone. Aiden had hurt her. And she wanted to hurt him.

Which brings us to today. After 4 months, Nya would finally get her revenge she’d been craving for so long. Today she would hurt Aiden just as much as he hurt her. Today she should make him feel the pain he made her feel. Today she would ruin his future and hers. Today, she would murder Aiden Ross. 

Nya arrived shortly after halftime at the stadium where she planned to execute him. She walked to the top of the stadium, aimed as she looked for his jersey number, and without hesitance, boom! She shot him in his leg. Sounds of terror filled the night as people ran to the parking lot. Nya thought after he made her feel insecure, not good enough, replaceable, along with other things, that she would finally feel at peace, but she didn’t. Instead, she felt cold and afraid. What had she done?

The author's comments:

I am a high school student at Pasadena Memorial High School, currently in my junior year. When writing this piece I wanted to write about my 2 favorite genres: Romance and Thriller. 

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