The Shadow That Never Left | Teen Ink

The Shadow That Never Left

June 30, 2022
By Anonymous

I said goodnight to my mom and walked up the stairs. It was usually cold upstairs since there was a small hole in my window inside of my room. I laid down and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep while the sound of the wind hit the trees. I heard the wind soon turn into shoes hitting the floor like someone was walking. I opened my eyes to see my bed was in the middle of a subway station. The light was bright enough to make me squint until my eyes adjusted. I rubbed my face and felt something wet on my face when I did.

I looked at my hand in horror to see black goo. I looked at my bed seeing it was turning into a black gooish substance. I stood up and backed away from it melting onto the ground. I looked around and saw everyone was in suits and there was no talking. Just the sound of the peoples feet hit the floor. 

“Where am i”

I looked around a bit and decided I needed some help to get back home. “Uh excuse me '' I tap a person's shoulder. They just kept on walking. That's a little rude. I thought to myself. I went in front of the person to see they didn't have any facial features, it was just skin. “W-what '' I tried to catch my words. It was insidious. Since I had no other choice.. “Uh..'' Wait, is this a man or woman? I can't tell they don't have hair.. So I'm guessing a guy. “S-sir do you know where i am?” I asked, trying to look the person in the face. There was an eerie silence for a couple of seconds. The person lifted his arm and his skinny hand with long fingers pointed to the train and continued walking. What is that supposed to mean? “Thank you.” I said awkwardly as he was walking away. I looked around until something stood out at the corner of my eye. I turned around to see a shadow almost 7ft tall standing in the middle of the station staring at me. 

I felt sweat drip down my face when I saw the shadow. It slowly started walking towards me. I was so horrified that my legs wouldn't move. I could barely catch a breath. It started getting closer to me. It would walk through the people and the people would walk through it. “The train is now leaving the station, please stay clear of the doors” I heard the speaker say in a woman's voice. I got myself to move and run towards the train to get to it on time. The doors were closing slowly. I jumped into the train and the doors closed. I looked back at the shadow standing on the outside of the doors staring at me. I turned around and backed away from the door as the shadow laid its hand on the door leaving black goo running down the window of the door. I felt like a jerk. The train started going. I watched the shadow stare at me as the train got further and further away from it. I let out a sigh of relief and looked around to see children all in the same uniform sitting on a chair. Every single chair was taken but one. 

I looked to see if the children had facial features. I looked and saw what looked like a drawn smiley face on skin. I felt a cold chill go up my spine when i saw. The child looked up at me and grabbed something from their backpack and handed me a photo. What am i supposed to say? Thank you? “Thank you.” i let a slightly broken smile creep upon my face. I looked at the photo to see me standing right in this spot looking at a photo. “Don't look over” the bottom of the picture said. I froze and didn't move. I saw something at the corner of my eye but i was to scared to look.

I took a deep breath and sitting down where there was the empty seat. I sat down looking at the floor. I felt something strange though like my seat was made of memory foam. I felt something on my arm to look over seeing a hand grabbing onto my arm coming out from my seat along with 2 others holding my other arm. Before i could react the hands pulled me into the seat and i fell into water. I already had lost my breath, when i went to take a breath i couldn't. I felt the hands let go of me and i looked around for somewhere to find air. I looked up seeing the surface. I swam and quickly as possible to reach it. I finally got to the surface taking a huge breath.  I looked around to see i was in a puddle. I got out of the puddle and it evaporated when i did. I touched the cement where the puddle was. Weird- i felt raindrops. I looked around to see i was in a city. Only difference. There were no cars, no people, no music, no nothing. Just an empty city. It was pouring rain so i decided to go into a convenient store Oh a worker! I ran up to the cashier and rang the bell. The cashier turned around. I stepped back right as it did. It was a skeleton pricing expired meat buns. “I-is there an umbrella.” i asked shaking from fear. The skeleton pointed to a shelf behind me.

I turned around to see the umbrellas. “How much- '' I asked. The skeleton just put out its hand before I could say anything else. “Uhm '' I wasn't sure what to do. I felt my pockets finding a small glass bottle with black dust inside. I handed it to the skeleton. I watched closely as the skeleton looked at the dust. I opened the bottle and put it in its mouth until it started vibrating and turned to dust. I backed up a little feeling really creeped out. I grabbed the umbrella and walked out looking around. I walked past an alley where I saw something at the corner of my eye once again. I backed up a little seeing the shadow creepily smiling. It had sharp yellow teeth and it smelled like it was a rotting corpse. I plugged my nose and started running. I looked behind me to see it was running faster than before. Does it get faster in the rain or something?! I threw my umbrella at it but the shadow just opened its mouth eating it. That wasn't a bright idea. As I was running I felt like my legs were going to break. They were hurting so bad. I need to find somewhere to hide. I looked behind me once again seeing it was super close to grabbing me. 

Wait, how did I get here.. I remember being in my bed and I was here- wait. I turned around and took a deep breath. “THIS IS A DREAM '' I screamed at the top of my lungs. The shadow stopped and looked at me. The shadow started to have a delightful scent. Like lavender and the shadow started turning into a white shadow. It laid its hand on my head and I opened my eyes in my bedroom. The light from the windows was creeping in through my blinds. It was all a dream. 

The author's comments:

I am 15 years old female. This is my first time publishing something outside of school. I type stories every day and was too scared to share any stories i made so i decided to try and submit mine. 

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