The Backrooms | Teen Ink

The Backrooms

May 3, 2022
By AndrewBennett0 BRONZE, East Alton, Illinois
AndrewBennett0 BRONZE, East Alton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I gotta figure out a name for the main character, but it starts out with a divorce. The main character is leaving the court after finalizing a divorce to his 6 year marriage, and his now ex-wife took most of his assets, leaving him in an apartment. A few days go by, he’s depressed. He hasn’t stocked up on food in a while, so he heads to the store. (It’s walmart but it would get copyrighted in real life if it was a story/movie) He notices that nobody is there. There’s employees and cars in the parking lot, but the inside of the store is giving him a weird feeling.

Where are all the customers? Why isn’t anybody here? Still moody, He grabs a cart and walks off into the store to get the first thing on his list: milk. He starts walking to the milk aisle, and it hits. He drops through the floor as if it didn’t exist. There was no ground to catch his fall on, He screams, but nobody can hear him through the building’s foundation. Nobody witnessed it. Nobody heard it. It was almost as if the ground in the store was a puddle or quicksand. He fell into direct darkness before he ended up in his own personal hell.

He hit the ground but took no pain from it. His eyes cleared up and he looked around at this strange place. Everything had a yellow tint to it, and it seemed like nobody had ever been there. He was in a room. “What is this place?” “Is anyone else here?” “You can stop now!” were the first things he yelled as he looked around the room. It had an entry into another room, but he’s getting a look of the place. Everything he just yelled was muted out by the installed lighting, which was flickering inconsistently and humming at a constant frequency. The buzzing got notably louder and more obtrusive than ordinary fluorescent humming, which was unreal to the fact that he was just at the store buying groceries. The rooms were covered in a moldy, yellow vintage wallpaper, and the floors were infinitely wet carpet. The rooms looked like the back rooms of a vintage retail outlet, but why was the place so big?

As he’s walking through these halls, the mush of the wet carpet being stepped on starts to get louder and louder. He’s annoyed by the loud humming and the slushy ground. He walks from one room to the other, and ends up right back where he started. He takes the keys in his pocket and rips a giant X into the wallpaper to signify that he’s back to where he started. He marks his rooms with the keys and gets further than before.

While he’s walking, he discovers a darker area. It’s a wider room with one fluorescent square of tube lighting. He grabs his phone flashlight and starts to push through the room. His phone is only at 7%, since he didn’t charge it this morning. He knew that he needed to use the phone wisely. There was absolutely no service, and the time wasn’t progressing. It was 3:21pm when he first ended up here, and it’s still 3:21pm. This dark area was a nice break from the past 6 hours of the loud, and hot humming of the lights. It was simply a relaxing walk in the dark, until he heard the ringing of an old cable telephone somewhere in the dark.

He looks around for the phone, and he can’t find it. He runs back to the lit up hallways and the ringing continues. No matter how far he walks, the ringing continues to follow him, as if he was being followed by a telephone. He put the phone in his pocket while he was running and he left the flashlight on, so now he has no flashlight. Nobody knows what could be in the dark hallways,

and he now has to trace the walls with his hands to get around in the dark. He’s stressed. The ringing has been following him and it only gets quieter temporarily when he runs through the halls at random turns. But gradually, the sound comes right back. He can’t stay still. He’s become a mouse in a controlled maze. He was walking through random corners now, no longer keeping track of where he’s going or where he ended up, until he saw the sound of the phone ringing. He turned around to glance back at one of the hallways, and he saw the dark, distorted figure replicating the sound he’s been hearing for hours. Both Him and the figure make eye contact, and the figure starts running after him.

He’s sprinting through the endless hallways. He’s hungry and dehydrated. He’s stressed. He runs directly into the dark hallways, completely clueless of where he’s going. He has his left arm in front of him and his right arm tracing the walls as he walks in the dark. He’s losing the sound. Maybe the figure can’t see in the dark at all. The ringing stops. He leans on one of the walls and starts breaking down. “How can I get out?” “Where am I going?” “I just need to eat” He’s talking to himself over and over, encouraging himself to keep going. He looks at the picture of his ex-wife in his wallet. “I’m sorry” as he gets back up and calmly traces the walls in complete darkness. His ears finally rest until he finds another light area. He walks back into this single hallway with one buzzing light, and discovers something you see everyday but he finds really strange: a stairwell.

He slowly and cautiously walks up to this stairwell. There’s an exit sign at the bottom. The sign looks like an industrial emergency exit sign. The stairway had nearly 400 steps to it. It would have

to be a careful walk down, because his body is shaky and he’s losing his balance. He feels the inside of his pants pocket and his wallet isn’t there. He turned around, and the figure was hanging right behind him the entire time. A very loud shriek then turns into a telephone ring once again, and the figure launches him down the stairwell. He fell down the moldy, wet carpet stairs for nearly 2 minutes straight, which feels like forever when you’re closed in and alone. He lands at the bottom after rolling directly into the door. The door only broke his endless falling. He can’t get up, his knee is now dislocated and his ribs are breaking. He can’t breathe. The moldy carpet is finally getting to him. He tried to move so he could open the door. The figure quickly moved down the stairwell, as if it teleported. He lets out a massive scream as the figure distorts him and makes a poor human soul another entity in the backrooms.

“If you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in. God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you…”

The author's comments:

My idea for the entire thing wasn't scary monsters, but the mental breakdown of the human mind and the natural fear of not knowing the unknown and what it does to someone

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