Purgatory | Teen Ink


January 31, 2022
By Anonymous

Darkness was all I saw in the end. All I see now is those of poor souls near me praying to enter, undergoing “purification”. I should tell you I'm lucky to even be here. Purgatory. A second chance to enter heaven. Purgatory is in the middle between heaven and hell. I’ll start my story now. My name? Victor Lee. To me, I saw everyone as animals, monkeys even. I felt more above them. I despised them. November 15th,2016 is the day everything would change. 

“Victor!!!” Mother yelled. I woke up with a bedhead and my throat felt like a desert. I went and ran to the kitchen where I had found my mom standing with my clothes in her hands. 

“Victor Lee, young man, go get ready for school!” My mother said, shouting. Ok ok, I dashed for a cup of water and grabbed the clothes out of my mom's hands. I ran back to my room and changed. Phew. I quickly checked my backpack to see if I had everything in check. I yelled. Mom!!! I'm ready!!! She started the car already for it to heat up. Today was cold indeed. I was shivering in the car. So was my mom. I could hear her teeth chattering. It annoyed me. I arrive at school and wave goodbye to my mom. I go into class early like I do any ordinary day. I frankly find the screams and running of the students annoying. I sit down quietly and greet my teacher. I opened my book and read “I survived the shark attack of 1916”. Class starts I quickly put my book away and take out my homework. Everyone came in with a group of friends. I grew envious. I despised it. Yet I missed it. I had moved to this school this week. I had to move since my dad works an office job and got offered a better offer over here in Porterville California. They kept saying I’ll make new friends but it hasn't happened. I suppose it doesn't matter. I'm out of everyone's league!!! I had said in my head. “Bartlett Middle School” I mumbled more like a Brainless middle school. Everyone here could never have done algebra 1 in middle school. Not to mention algebra 2! I don't need friends here. Not anywhere, Not anymore. A few hours pass during class. I was out of school. I got in the car. My mom seemed more happy than usual. I could see it. Her Smiling. I miss her smile. Seeing her. She hands me a letter with my name on it. I remember it so clearly. 

“To Victor Lee”. I had opened it and saw that I had been accepted to the smartest school in the whole world! I was jumping up and down my mind at that moment was going bonkers. My mom stared at me with the biggest smile. 

“Im so proud of you victor”. I hugged her. I loved her hugs the most more then anything. I got home and immediately went and ran to the kitchen got myself something to eat and read the paper over. 

“Hello Victor Lee, We have observed your stats and skills from previous years. Your state tests are off the charts. Were looking forward to sending you an invite to move to the new state-of-the-art school. This school is home to the greatest technology,Smartest students, and much more. We will be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow”.

 I immediately went to sleep. I put my favorite comfy pajamas on and went to sleep. But yet I couldn't? I was rushed. Not by my mom. My mind and heart were rushed. How many friends will I make? How many other smart students are there? Can I finally fit in? My mind was blowing up. Sweat was pouring down my face. I had to cool off, so I went and ran to get water. My heart is beating like hell. Flaming. As I passed I saw a portrait of god, I stared at it. Minutes passed. Why haven't I moved? I suppose I'm nervous about tomorrow. I start to pray to god for friends and to keep everyone safe. I went back to bed with sweaty palms. I slept through the night. I woke up staring up at the ceiling. Jumped up and went right to the shower. Had to look good obviously. I took a nice cold shower. I was freezing. I got out dried myself and put on my clothes. Put on some gel and perfume. I was ready. My mom was surprised. I ran to her, hugged her, and said ready this time. 

She laughed. “You're never ready for school”. Well duh, it's just the best school in the whole world! I walked through the door and got in the car. I felt amazing that day. I wish I had never left that day. We arrived at the school. I was immediately blown away by how amazing it looked. Everything felt futuristic. This felt like an episode of Rick and Morty. We parked and I got out. I went and hugged my mom. Not knowing it would be the last time seeing her. 

“Have a good day honey!” I went and found my class. Room 161 huh. I entered the class and found out that everyone was staring at me. I got nervous. The teacher went and said I was the new student. I introduced myself. Everyone started asking questions about where I came from. Everyone here seemed normal. Not like those other “monkeys. I went and sat in my new seat. We had lunch. I can't wait to see what they have in store for smart people like us. I went and ran over to lunch and checked out it was a feast. I was amazed. Hamburgers,Pizza,Chicken, anything you name it. I sat down and quickly ate. I noticed that a girl walked up to me. 

She said “Hey I just noticed you're in my class, My name's Bella.” 

Nice to meet you bella im Victor Lee. 

“You seemed interesting so I came over here, What's your favorite subject? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite animal? Sorry I let my mind wander a lot”.

She seemed a lot like me, I said in my head.

My favorite subject is math, my favorite color is black and for an animal I find koalas the best. They seem cool. We talked for a while until it was time to go back to class. We went back together. I entered and we started to learn about geometry. I was fascinated about geometry. It seemed so exciting. All was going well until “It” made its entrance. I heard an alarm go off. 

“Code 5, Lock all doors and don't open until we call it off”. My heart stopped. An alarm went off? Right now are you serious? Must have been a fluke or an animal on campus. 

Mr.Reyes the teacher said “Everyone go under your desks and wait”. Everyone was talking about what's happening. We heard an intercom hoping it was something to call it off. All everyone heard was a loud static. Suddenly it stopped. We then heard someone yelling for help. A low voice calling for help and crying. Everyone was scared and I could even see a classmate have a scared look on their eyes. The crying had stopped. 

“You will never see heaven,I'm here to deliver you to the other side.Into the darkness,into the flames of burning hell”.

 A loud static happened then turned off. We were all silenced. Shooken in fear. Bella was crying in fear. A fellow classmate Dave got up and laughed. 

“Guys this is just a prank, I can't believe you guys are crying, Mr Reyes, can I go to the restroom please?

“ABSOLUTELY NOT, This is a case 5 everyone must stay inside.

“Oh please don't tell me the teacher is scared as well” Dave has said. He got up and darted for the door and took off to the restroom. 

“Mr reyes!” Everyone shouted. Mr Reyes had immediately got up and ran off to get dave. Me and Bella were huddled together thinking of what to do next. 

“We could just escape through the window and run off,” Bella said. Just then we heard the doorknob being unlocked. 

“Finally Dave is back,with Mr Reyes I was getting worried,” Bella said. The door opened and everyone was looking. It was Dave, But only dave. I noticed something about dave. My eyes widened. I saw that there was blood all over him.

“Where's Mr, Reyes?” Everyone said. 

“He died infront of my eyes.” Dave said. My heart stopped. How? When? How did he die? Just then the screams of other students in the classrooms can be heard. Everyone was silent. 

“Dave, how did he die I asked?” 

“He was killed by a black figure. I don't know what it was. It was approximately 10 feet with silky skin. The entity dashed for me but Mr, Reyes moved me and it was horrible.” “I saw as the black figure devoured him, held him like a ragdoll and separated his body into two pieces.” I could see his heart fall down. That's all I saw. I ran back here and the figure lost sight of me.”

Everyone was scared out of their minds, They all rushed for the windows but just as they did we all saw something we didn't want to see. We could see outside the window into the parking lot that there were corpses hanging from the parking lot lights. Bloody corpses mangled and teared up. One was missing a head hanging upside down. I could even see the school uniform. A classmate started to scream which caused panic and more screaming. Until everyone stopped. We heard a thud and another thud. It's getting closer. Thud after thud. I looked outside the door window and saw a black figure staring at me. Its black beady eyes filled with nothingness. I ran away from the door telling everyone to go through the windows. Yet the windows won't open. Why? Open please! 

“It's not opening Dave said, None of them are.” We keep trying but nothings working. 

“I’m the one who makes hell real, I keep its flames going on for eternity.” The black figure had said. It broke the door and it was standing there staring at all the people shooken in fear by its appearance. It quickly grabbed Dave and ripped him apart easily letting all his limbs and guts spray all over us. I never felt this fear in my life this bad. It was ravaging on my classmates. I couldn't do anything about it, just stand there. I can't face it. I could hear their last words screaming for help. Limbs all over. 

“Victor, there's a vent quick!” Bella said. I kicked the vent so we could enter, First Bella then she would pick me up. We made it up there but could see the students crying and screaming for help above. I could see a classmate asking to pull her up. 

“Help me please.” She had said. I reached for her hand but just as I did her bottom part of her body was cutted off. Too quick to be seen. How did the creature do that? All I could do was let go of the corpse staring at my eyes while having faith in me too pull me up. I quickly crawled through the vent catching up to bella. If only I had pulled her up quicker she would have been alive, I had said. 

“Don't blame yourself.” Bella said.  

“How could I not? I watched her die in front of me because I was too slow.” I was mad that I couldn't save her. We started to crawl to the exit Bella was now behind me since she felt safer there. I turned around to ask if she was doing okay. Right when I turned around to say that I could see the black figure behind her. With a vicious smile filled with blood. 

“RUN!” I said. We dashed for the exit. A bright white light. The black figure grabbed bellas leg and ripped it off to shreds. All her skin was gone. I pulled her but the black figure had more force and pulled her back. I lost my grip. I could see her getting pulled back in the vent. I saw her face lifeless,crying. She screamed to run. I crawled with all my strength. Crying as well. I lost my friend there, the only friend who actually came up to me. I saw the light. I was just about to make it. I saw the light. “Mom, I'm coming I promise.” As I made it out I blacked out. All I could do was think and hear. I heard laughing. Menacing laughing. Did I make it ? Am I alive? Darkness was all I saw in the end.

The author's comments:

i like to work

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