The Unsuspecting Horror | Teen Ink

The Unsuspecting Horror

January 19, 2022
By bscott9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bscott9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Halloween was upon us. Kids wandering around the streets going door-to-door nervously asking for candy petrified of what could be lurking in the night. Some festive Halloweeners decorate their houses with countless webs and creepy skeletons that make the local haunted house look like a children’s play place. Other halloweenies simply leave a bowl of whatever candy they can find and pick up their groceries while children feast on their random assortment of candy. Yet all children share the same celebration; Horror. People find enjoyment in fright and anticipate something sneaking up on them for 24 hours. As the sun fades down out of sight, the moon glows in the bleak empty sky searching for terrors to shine its spotlight on. Kids of all ages eagerly zip their zippers and tighten the straps on their bizarre costumes. Parents converse peacefully on porches pondering why these kids have such a great desire to leave their safe, welcoming homes. The silent streets are now filled with size 2 sketchers scurrying around neighborhoods with their friends. These sweet-teethed children carry around 5-pound bags of their mouth-watering chocolate candy and fend for more. As the clock tower overlooking the city warned everyone midnight was soon approaching with a thick ring, crowded streets with candy-loving children dressed as cats or construction workers cleared out like a six flags parking lot in January.  Children drained of energy counted their candies collected along with sheep moments later. Neighbors joined around dining tables shared not sober stories. Adults that seemed so different all celebrated this special night with one shared object; Alcohol. This is what sneaks up on these same candy enthusiasts. The horror that silently follows these kids for more than an October 31st night. 

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