The Old Chevy | Teen Ink

The Old Chevy

May 30, 2021
By Anonymous

The gravel crumbles beneath her torn tennis shoes as she stumbles along the dusty gravel road. She marches in utter silence looking straight forward, completely emotionless. Strong gusts of wind rip through the barren and flat landscape but she is unphased. There is no sign of civilization in sight when she notices the soft rumble of a truck approaching her. Her lifeless face refuses to turn to see what is approaching. The rumble increases in volume as it nears, but the surrounding area is still eerily silent. In her head she's praying that whoever stumbles upon her does not want anything to do with a 22 year old girl. The truck continues when the worst happens, she hears the truck begin to slow down and come to a near stop directly to the left side of her. 

She continues, completely unphased and does not even look towards the driver. As if things couldn’t get any worse, she hears the passenger side window begin to roll down as a man's voice says, “ma’am you doing okay?”

She tries to ignore the southern accent and continues walking lifelessly when she hears the voice yet again, “ma’am? What's going on? I can help you.”

Realizing ignoring him will not work she responds with an ignorant tone, “I’m fine.”

The man persists, “ma’am obviously you’ve got something’ going on, let me help you please. You can’t just walk alone in 95 degrees when you are completely defenseless.”

Yet again she rearruses him, “I am fine, just keep going.”

The man refuses to leave her and throws his rusty truck in park and gets out to go talk to her face to face. She finally stops walking and makes eye contact with the man for the first time. Her eyes look tired and faded when she utters, “we will both have a better day if you leave.”

The man pauses, he tries to understand what she is hinting at me yet again explains to her that he wants to help her anyway possible. 

She stares at him in the eyes in silence. She tries to walk past him before being blocked by his left arm.

He opens the passenger door and looks her in the eye yet again, “you know that AC is running in there, it's a whole lot better than out here.”

He insists she get in the truck and pats her back as she finally complies and gets in. He closes her door and walks around back to the driver's seat. He throws the old chevy in gear and drives off. But, the truck soon begins driving erratically and then comes to a complete stop just 40 feet from where they left. The man's lifeless body falls out of the drivers side door onto the dirt before the truck yet again drives off into the distance. 

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a film my creative writing class was shown and I put my own twist on it.

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on Jul. 25 2021 at 10:38 am
JustMe_Vaanya SILVER, Dehradun, Other
7 articles 9 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Una Vida, I have come to accept that I cant experience everything in life. But what I will, I'll experience deeply..."
-Shivya Nath

Woah! That is quite good writing..