Don't Tell the Man in Black: Part ll | Teen Ink

Don't Tell the Man in Black: Part ll

April 29, 2020
By Anonymous

Recap of part 1

 A beautiful day but,  what is that? Oh no, there's someone behind me.  Mom windows locked and closed, no light. Ahhhh!!! What is that? Let go of me!

      Autumn was not seen after that night                                                                                                                                           

“What, where am I?” Crying, shaking, scared. Speechless with no words but “ HELP!”

                                          Part 2

Locked in a room, with this guy. No idea who he is, just that he’s here, right here sitting in front of me staring. I don’t know what to do but just sit there and look up at the dirty, disgusting ceiling. I was praying that he would just finally look away.

Finally he said “ Hi, my name is Jason McCall and I’m here with…” A loud voice came on to the speakers. It was a girl this time she seemed scared and panicking. Jason quickly says that he’ll be back and rushes off. 

As he leaves, Autumn manages to free herself as the rope wasn’t tied tight.  She ran over to the nearest place to hide which surprisingly was easy because there was a counter right in front of where she was. Jason came back and he kept screaming “ Autumn, Autumn, where are you, you need to come out now.” He wouldn’t stop yelling. She just sat there crying. 

She ran as fast as she could out the doors but to find herself locked in another room. There was another girl in the room and she was about my age too. I told her my name was Autumn and she said her name was Olivia. 

I knew that at that exact moment that we had something special. Something that not a normal friendship had. We started to talk about how she got here. As she was talking, she was describing everything that happened to me. She was being stalked then she was getting the bruises. Then one night she was being dragged out the door and woke up here. 

As we sat there talking I was thinking, are there more girls here that he is keeping hostage? What is he going to do to us? Sooner or later he found me with Olivia. 

He started to scream at us, that he was scared out of his mind and he didn't know where I was. I sat there in shock, he had no right to be yelling at me. I'm the one that just got kidnapped and sitting in this weird building not knowing where I am. 

I don’t get how some people are just so selfish. Jason kept going on and on about how he thought I was gone or lost but to my suprise never mentioned why I was here. At that point I think we both stopped listening. I finally got the courage to ask, “ umm Jason but why exactly are we here?” Wow I was surprised my kidnapper was actually telling me why I was here. 

He started going on “ When you guys, Olivia and Autumn, were babies something happened to you and the doctors were never able to track you. So we are here to test you and figure out what happened to you.” 

“Wait we?” “ There are more of you guys doing this to girls?” I couldn’t believe it, there were more girls out there, but where, because I don’t see any other girls in here besides Olivia and I. The only question is what are they going to do to us?Are they going to hurt us? Bad thoughts is all I could think about.

                    To Be Continued……..

The author's comments:

I don't know if you've read the first part but this is part two and I hope you like it.

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