Him | Teen Ink


January 13, 2020
By egarcia7736 BRONZE, Corona, New York
egarcia7736 BRONZE, Corona, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart pounded rapidly as sweat rolled down my neck and back. The thudding from my chest seemed to overpower my thoughts. I couldn’t move, time was frozen and I was paralyzed. This was all my fault.
Everything started so perfect, we were the power couple. He was the perfect replica of his father, an aspiring businessman and a charismatic gentleman. He’s pearly white teeth dazzled everytime he smiled, captivating everyone that saw him. When we first met, his eyes seemed to draw me to him, as his intense stare made me forget my surroundings. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was special, like I was his. The moment our eyes locked I knew we had a connection, the tension between us was so obvious. That night he approached me with such confidence, his voice made my knees go weak and my mind go blank.
After our first encounter we continued conversing, he managed to find my social media in a matter of minutes after we had spoken. In a way I was surprised yet intrigued by his interest and persistence. Everything about his character just indicated power and trouble. He was too perfect, too charming, simply too much to handle. Even though I knew nothing good could come from our relationship, my interest in him grew. It was as if the more attention he gave me the more I craved to be with him.
After two months of dating, he invited me to move in. I tried to explain to him that we were moving too fast, that it was too much for me to handle. However, he had a way of talking that made everything sound so perfect, he spoke with an impeccable confidence that I couldn’t resist complying to his requests.
Living together made everything feel so real, we were actually a relationship. We knew each other, we supported each other, we were each other. The more time I spent with him, the more I felt his personality rub off on me. He was turning me into his perfect girlfriend, yet I just hadn’t seen it.
In a way, I should have seen all the signs, I should have listened to my friends, yet I didn’t because I was so blinded by his attention. Being with him seemed to hypnotize me into only wanting to please him. I craved his approval, I wanted to be his everything because he was my world.
It wasn’t until tonight that I realized our relationship wasn’t healthy. He threw me a surprise birthday party, were he invited all of our close friends and family. I separated from his side for just a minute to talk to my old college friends when we instantly appeared by my side. Charmingly smiling at the crowd, while steadily placing his hand on my waist he calmly spoke to my friends asking if they could excuse us for just a second. He spoke with such politeness that unless you knew him you wouldn’t have noticed his annoyance. He then guided me to the balcony, where he assured we were alone before he manipulated me with his words. He overreacted about my departure from his side, making it sound like we needed to be together at all times in order to display this facade of the perfect couple. I tried to explain to him that I simply wanted to greet my friends, yet the more I spoke the more his anger grew. His stare grew with intensity as he raised his voice at me and blamed me of humiliating him in front of our loved ones. At that moment, a sudden fear within me grew, he wasn’t perfect, he was obsessive.
His possessive reaction seemed to illuminate my mind with clarity, he wanted me to be his minion, his servant, the perfect girlfriend was one who obliged to him. I tried to walk away from him, I explained to him that tonight was not the moment for an argument. But he just stood in my way, he wanted to intimidate me into obeying him. I gently pushed him away, asking him for some space. Yet he simply became more forceful, he pushed me against the edge of the balcony forcing me to listen to him. I begged him to calm down, to let me leave. I assured him that we could continue that conversation tomorrow morning. However, he was blinded by his anger and I feared for my life.
With one swift movement I slid from under his arms and ran to the balcony door. I heard him turn around and try to stop me. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard a hard thud behind me. When I turned around he was lying on the balcony floor face down as blood poured out of his head.

The author's comments:

This piece is meant to be a short romantic thriller. The ending is meant to be very open for interpretation. In addition, the ending is linked to the beginning.

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