Tinted Melody | Teen Ink

Tinted Melody

December 9, 2019
By Jaelakell BRONZE, Keller, Texas
Jaelakell BRONZE, Keller, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The warm burning on my skin slowly dissipates as the sky begins a steady flow of changing color. Yellow bursts, patch into the normal blue sky. Followed by the colors darkening over a short period of time. Soon the waves will crash dangerously and wildly against the wall of rocks in which I lay upon. The weather will threaten those lost at sea. Rocking your boats, accompanied by the calming glow of tinted skies. But before you could escape, a perfectly pitched melody will float through the air and deep into your ears. To the base of your eardrums. Putting you in a trance, to allow yourself to involuntarily slip into the deep blue you love so much.

Only I, the lighthouse, could hide you from what you can't escape. However, I would only do so if I found you worthy enough to run. But heed my warning when I shine my light at you, as that was me attempting to save you, from the fate others had fallen into.

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