Lost Soul | Teen Ink

Lost Soul

October 10, 2019
By JosephAsoofi BRONZE, Turlock, California
JosephAsoofi BRONZE, Turlock, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lost Soul

    It was a dark and spooky night. A man walked down a dimly lit narrow path in a forest. He began hearing noises around him. He looked down at his phone and realized that it was Friday the 13th. The man immediately turned around and began running to his house - his house was only about a mile away. While he ran, he noticed a tall, slender black figure in the distance behind a tree. Suddenly, his mind filled with flashbacks when he was a child about videos he watched on YouTube about people going missing because of something that was very tall and slim. He finally regained control of his mind and told himself to relax because it was probably just a tree. Once he got home, he went upstairs to go to sleep. 

In the middle of the night, the man woke up because of a loud bang outside of his house. He ran downstairs to inspect the scene and he found a boy that was hit by a car lying on the dirt. The man ran inside to grab his phone to call 911, but when he came outside the boy was nowhere to be seen. The man looked up at the surrounding trees and found the boy hanging from the tree. He was so terrified that he just froze. He saw the dark slender figure from before approaching his house. The man ran inside, locked the door, and ran to the basement. While he hid in a closet in the basement, he heard something knock over upstairs. The man held his hand over his face because he was so frightened he was breathing so hard and was about to cry. He heard the dark slender figure’s footsteps come down the stairs… thump…thump. The man was about to explode with fear until he heard the figure walk upstairs and leave the house. The man was so relieved he fell asleep in the closet. 

The next morning was like a regular day, the man went to work and came back home at around six in the evening to eat dinner and unwind. While he ate dinner, he heard something in the basement. He grabbed his flashlight to investigate it. While he was looking around his basement, he heard something coming from the closet he was hiding in last night. His entire body filled with fear, he turned around immediately and began running to his car. The dark slender figure jumped out of the closet and began chasing after him and making sounds only a demon could make. The man ran upstairs to grab his keys from his table then ran outside to get in his car. Right when he was about to open the car door, the dark slender figure appeared behind him. The man turned pale and emotionless. The slender figure screeched and grabbed the man. Now his body frozen as ice fell deep into the depths of hell. The dark slender figure tortured the man’s soul for eternity. 

The author's comments:

This piece is an assisngment from my Creative Writing class at Central Catholic in Modesto, California.

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