Circle | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By Mg3094 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Mg3094 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bathroom was the first place that I decided to look at. Maybe there were some clues that can lead to some answers. The door creaked open. The light streamed into the white-tiled and white-walled making the color blinding and numinous. The smooth-ceramic walls were stained with indescribable things. Maybe blood? The brown stains were hard to decipher. The walls were freezing cold. The drip of the faucet was echoing and gave the room a chthonic feel. Something was off. Very off. The bumpy sink was contrasting the all white interior.Something was rotting. The smell was so intense I felt like gagging. The heat of the lightbulb made it worse. It exploded and I covered my eyes, so the shards wouldn’t hit them. I felt the shards cut into my skin. I had to leave immediately, because this room was not safe. The door was frosting and I had no idea why. I move to the living room. My team is moving around the house. I can hear the thuds and the grunts from moving some things around. They shouldn’t. It was unprofessional. The stench was even stronger in the living room. It was so rotten you would gag. The smell of stinky gym socks and rotten eggs mixed in a way that was frankly very inhumane. It looked like a hurricane had come through and tore the room into shreds or maybe a lunatic that was in the middle of their lunacy. Clothes were thrown everywhere and leftover food was left rotting on the surface of the room. Mold was festering and fruit flies buzzed around. Maybe it was the corpse of the man we’ve been looking for was the cause of this grotesque scene. The man’s countenance was peaceful but the way the body was sprawled….it was horrific. I call the team down and I tell them to take care of it. A door catches my attention. It was crimson. Which didn’t fit the gray and white of the house. The corpse was taken away and I open the door. What was strange was the tidiness of the garage. Shelves were stacked with colorful boxes and labels. The storage boxes were a bit rough. There was one that was hastily opened. The container was dark blue, but it was transparent. It was smooth: Brand new. Thousands of pictures were in there. Messily thrown and doused in gasoline. Were they going to get burned? For what purpose? A white security camera was mounted at the zenith. The highest corner. Maybe there was an answer there? The ladder that was placed next to the shelf proved to be useful. The steps were a bit shaky but it wouldn’t prove to be a problem. Focused at the task on hand there was failure to notice an intruder. I turned too late and the force of the bat is too much to handle and I drop to the floor. Looking into the face of one of my comrades I felt fear for the future. Well, if I even had one now.

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