The Alliance | Teen Ink

The Alliance

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Saturday morning,I was at the local library studying for my finals, when at the corner of my eye, I see what seems to be a collusion consisting of 2 boys and 2 girls. They exit the library and I see through the big windows they stand nearby a tree, continue talking together, but I ignore, and focus on my work. I look up to see they are still standing there after an hour, I notice one of them is my roomate. I grab my items and exit without looking back. My walking began to quicken when I feel there footsteps getting closer but why? I questioned myself whether I committed treachery to anyone. I walked to the nearest bus stop in order to go back to my dorm, but they would know exactly where I’m located.

The clock was ticking and I wasn't sure what to do. There was nowhere safe to go, especially in this small town. Just then, a young boy and girl dressed as a quirky  parody of Jessie and James from Pokemon, come to save the day by holding my hand and taking me to the nearest restaurant. The farce I was watching on the TV distracted me for a few minutes until i realized the kids were gone. Was I imagining things?

I left through the back door and there they were again, waiting for me in silent. Without a doubt I run as fast as I can. I felt a sharp metal scrape through the sinew of my leg that made me stumble down a hill. I felt a big kick on my viscera as I fell on top of a tree trunk, but still I managed to get up. This is when I was determined for retribution. I grabbed a sharpened tree trunk and ran up the hill to chase them back. Restitution was the only way they were going to pay for my pain. I wild ninja ,who I could only see, compensated me with a shiny sword. As I began to run faster, I learned that I acquired teleportation. The time seemed to skip to an hour later. My worst enemy was laying on the ground, close to shutting their eyes. “This was something I looked forward to,” I spoke in a contrite tone. But in the back of my mind, the penitent feeling was there.

Soon I was caught for my actions when I was running away from the scene. Within 24 hours of the attack, I was exiled from the country. The clocked ticking became much slower. Everyone around me was going slow and soon I became alienated from the world.I found an eldritch apartment in the middle of an empty street, it was the only place that accepted my $10 I had when I was left here. I passed by the uncanny hallways everyday trying to look for strength. Months pass by and I still was in the same position as before. The righteous thing to do was apologize. I wanted to change thing differently, for both me and the others. I had to be benevolent in order to teleport back to when i was being chased. I could no longer live with the guilt of something that i didn't know had happened. Soon, jail stop feeling like eternity.

The author's comments:

Dear Current Reader,

Please enjoy reading my literary piece I wrote in class in 1st person,  inspired by videos i've seen about “roommate horror stories” since i will soon be entering university and will be housing. I have included words learned through the six weeks. Thank you for your time as you read through my creative writing.

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