Monsters in the Night | Teen Ink

Monsters in the Night

April 9, 2019
By Anonymous

I ran until I could run no more. My energy was all spent. My heart pounded, my breath was pained and my mouth dry as I heaved.

It was dark while I darted behind a tree- its bark damp to the touch. But so was the knife as I held it in a cold sweat. Chills ran down my spine hearing that...that monster chasing after me. Its footsteps sounded heavy and menacing as they trampled the undergrowth, getting closer and closer.

Its footsteps stopped. I knew it was now or never, I wouldn’t have this chance again before it would kill me. I had to do it NOW.

I drew the knife closer to my chest, clutching the blade close to my heart, readjusting my grip on the handle.

I held my breath.

I lunged while swinging from behind the tree, turning myself around, not watching;

THUD!  Hearing the groans of death I opened my eyes to see the blade skewer deeper into his chest.

“Ba--Barbara..” he spoke with tears streaming from his eyes, “how.. How could you.”

“No.. WILL! No!” I screamed as blood gushed out of him; covering the hilt and oozing onto my hands. Shaking I let go standing in shock, doing nothing watching my husband crumple to the ground bleeding out.

It wasn’t supposed to be him there; not him...not..him.

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