A Moment's Tragedy | Teen Ink

A Moment's Tragedy

January 14, 2019
By 20-lewisvic BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
20-lewisvic BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was lightning, but no storm. A scream, but no cause. A figure, but no ground. One second, maybe less, and it was all gone. The bright flash disappeared into darkness. The only evidence of its existence were the brights spots marring my vision. The scream ended. It didn’t even leave an echo of whispering in the air. The figure, I must have imagined it. The floating body was gone. There was no logical reason for a levitating man to be outside my window. My heartbeat slowed as the clock ticked next to me, telling me how long it has been since the strange occurrence. I tried not to think about how I recognized that face as I took deep, calming breaths. I pulled my blankets closer to my face. I was acutely aware of the overwhelming silence in the night outside. Not even crickets dared to disturb the fragile waves of sound that remained still. I couldn’t bring myself to close my eyes. Just a blink felt like letting my guard down. I tried to adjust to the black night but my sight didn’t improve. The thought of moving an inch felt like a risk. I didn’t want to be the next scream that would be heard for less than a moment. Ever so slowly, my hand reached over and flicked my lamp on. My eyes shut with the sudden brightness. Blinking, I regained vision and looked up. The familiar face stared back at me.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in a creative writing class based off of a prompt. 

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