Goobye | Teen Ink


December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

I look out my window, the cold night breeze hitting my face. A shiver goes down my spine as I'm only wearing shorts and a crop top. I listen as I realize the house is silent. A few seconds later it starts up again. My parents are fighting again downstairs. I'm so sick of it. They are getting a divorce, but for some reason, they still act like a couple. They walk around holding hands, kissing. But then night rolls around, and they always say oh no were aren't going to drink tonight I have an early meeting, but then they lose control. Bottle after bottle every night. Screams echo throughout the house, making it impossible to sleep. My phone lights up beside me and starts buzzing. I turn to see who is calling me. Averie’s name pops up. It's probably more boy drama, who do I pick? I love them both, I can't hurt them. I let it ring out, not wanting to deal with her bullshit. The call stops and my phone stays alert, the screen reads 2:37 a.m. God, I really need to get some sleep, I wish they would stop fighting. But I can’t get in the middle of it. I lay back o my bed and shut my eyes, trying to keep the threatening tears from spilling out. My phone starts to ring again and it is Averie again. I decide to answer it, I swipe the call button and bring the phone up to my ear.

“Hey Aves, what's up?” I say trying to hide my sadness, but Avery doesn't. She bursts out into tears.

“Kaila I need you to get over here right now, something happened to Ethan.” She pauses and I hear the sirens in the background. I gasp and jump out of my bed.

“I’m on my way,” I say, hanging up. I rush downstairs and practically break the door nob trying to get out. I sprint down the sidewalk, barely breaking a sweat. Another police car passes me, along with another ambulance. They are headed in Avery's direction. Her house is a solid 5 minutes away from mine, so I continue running. I finally make it to her house and I see her sitting on her front steps, her head in her hands. I run over to her, but a police officer stops me.

“This is a crime scene ma’am, we can't let you pass.”

“I’m here for Averie, that is it,” I say and push past him. He starts to yell but then he sees me sit next to Averie and calms down. I tilt her head up and we make eye contact, tears streaming down her face.

“Averie, what happened to EJ?” I ask. She looks behind her and points. I see four parameters come rushing out of the house, Ethan on a stretcher, a sheet covering him. I gasp as they rush past me. Averie breaks down again and falls into my arms. I stay silent, a million questions forming in my head.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story for NaNoWriMo. This is just an excerpt of it.

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