Noises | Teen Ink


December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

      I was awakened by the screeching noise “screeeeech”. It was loud and sharp. It buzzed through my ears.  I thought it was just my cats but I soon realized they were at the end of my bed all three.  I tried thinking through it and forget about it but it was to hard. I had to see what was going on, who or what was out there . I slowly and steadily walked down the stairs on my tippy toes trying to be quiet as a mouse. Once i got closer my adrenaline was rushing through my body. I suddenly heard a “ hmmmmmmm” it sounded like a person. I was terrified at this point but i still began to walk down stairs un-armed.

      I finally was downstairs I looked around and there was no one or nothing to be seen. I turned the corner and felt a whoosh if cold air on my face. I looked over my shoulder to see the front door wide open.  my adrenaline was pounding, rushing, and pumping through my body so fast.  I slowly walked to the door. I felt someone watching me it was like I could feel their body heat and feel their breath on my neck giving me the chills. I just kept waking to the door I began to close the front door and lock it. I slowly turned around and there he was standing there over me with a bloody axe. 

The author's comments:

This piece is a horror short story. For some reason i love writing horror story’s because i like the thrill of them.

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