The day it all changed | Teen Ink

The day it all changed

May 23, 2016
By Anonymous

The scene opens up about two high school friends Susanne and Kaitlyn. They’re reaching the end of their senior year and they’re excited. In this play you will find out a huge secret about one of the girls that is shocking and scary.
Susanne: Hey K. What’s up? I’ve been trying to reach you.
Kaitlyn: I have a lot on my mind.
Susanne: What’s the matter?
Kaitlyn: * Sighs* A lot!! I have something to tell you but I don’t want you to judge me.
Susanne: Wait what we’re best friend I would never judge you.
Kaitlyn: I know Su I’m just nervous because I don’t know how to tell you this but…
Susanne: But what, I’m listening?
Kaitlyn: (stuttering) I I’m
Susanne: What is that it has you stuttering? I think I know.
Kaitlyn: Really you know, what is it?
Susanne: You’re failing a class?
Kaitlyn: No it’s worse than that Susanne.
Susanne: WORSE? Gosh well then what is it because now I’m lost.
Kaitlynn: Are you ready for this one? Promise me you won’t say nothing
Susanne: I promise now tell me what it is.
Kaitlyn: I’m pregnant (Burst into tears)
Susanne: You’re pregnant? (Mouth drops to the floor) no way tell me this is some kind of joke
Kaitlyn: close your mouth. I’m so serious I wish it was a joke.
Susanne: What about your plans for after graduation that’s a month in a half away?
Kaitlyn:  I don’t know. My parents are going to kill me. (Dramatically falls to the floor saying god help me)
Susanne: Alright calm down already.
Kaitlyn: I can’t I freaking out so bad I have no clue on what to do
Susanne: Do anyone else know?
Kaitlyn: Heck no I was scared to tell you.
Susanne: I think you should tell your parents Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn: What are you crazy? I can’t do that
Susanne: Have you confirmed this with a doctor?
Kaitlyn: I’ll call a make an appointment
Scene Ends..

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