Macbeth Act I Scene .5 A Scottish wood | Teen Ink

Macbeth Act I Scene .5 A Scottish wood

April 9, 2015
By Andrew Diaz BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
Andrew Diaz BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments



Macbeth: Arousing the rebels!

The merciless, lacking all sorts of valor,
The mongrel, slaughtering the innocent.
The time has come upon us.
To the fiery satan we will send
The dung visaged Macdonwald.

Banquo: Aye, sirrah!

Like a swine wilt us killeth the traitor.
That ratchet hog speaketh the whispers
Of the devil and from the devil is he.
Let us seer this boar. To a lurid pulp
Striketh him, shalleth us with all our fury.
Macbeth: Aye, my noble kinsman
This boar -- burden is our’s to tendeth to
O, why there is much murk and opacity
In this wood, there is but just a gleam
Of hope, I prayeth that victory be ours
And of toil be resolved fair Scotland.


Banquo: Ho! Who goeth by us? Cease thy motion!
Revealeth thy body in the light of morrow.
In a truthful manner, speaketh thy identity.
Telleth me: art thee brotherly or villainous?
Traitor: I shalt be aligned with no sir,
But with the great Macdonwald I am.
With my brethren I shalt rain terror down
Upon the townsfolk and they willeth wither.
Banquo: Then slayeth thee I must

[Exeunt BANQUO, TRAITOR SOLDIER while fighting]

Macbeth: Believeth I that the noble Banquo will
Killeth than spawn of swine.
I remain solitary. Seeketh Macdonwald
I must and slayeth him.
This treachery shalt end forthwith.


Macdonwald: Dareth whom uttereth mine name?
Deemeth thyself worthy of challenging
To a duel, the stalwart Macdonwald?
Alloweth us to observe thy claim shatter.

[Macbeth and Macdonwald duel]

[Macdonwald is beheaded]

Macbeth: The treacherous fool hath been slain!

[Enter Banquo]

Banquo: What is that you speaketh cuz?
The one with the foul visage hath been slain?
Scotland shalt rejoice, Duncan wilt be most proud.
I commend thou on thy bravery.
Looketh to the heavens. Out has come the sun.


The author's comments:

This is a piece wriiten for my Honors English class. The prompt was to write an aditional scen to Shakespeare's Macbeth that would fill one of the gaps he left in his play. I chose to include the slaying of the traitor Macdonwald at the hands of Macbeth.

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