The Missing Sapphire | Teen Ink

The Missing Sapphire

May 14, 2014
By WhereAllisMad BRONZE, Houma, Louisiana
WhereAllisMad BRONZE, Houma, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Embrace your inner weirdness."

The Missing Sapphire

Cast of Characters:
-BLAIRE MYERS: main character who is also the protagonist
-VICTORIA STEVENS: sister of Blaire Myers; murdered her husband Harrison Stevens
-HARRISON STEVENS: husband of Victoria; murder victim
-LLOYD ROBERTS: amateur detective
-MRS. ESTHER: old, rich woman; friend of Victoria and Blaire
-ANITA: murder suspect; maid to the STEVENS and Blaire
Scene 1

(All black with no lights on. A woman's scream is heard in the night on the Arpathic cruise ship in the summer of 1943. Feet running across the stage and various comments yelled from other characters are heard. Then, the lights go up on stage with HARRISON sprawled on the ground. He is dead. VICTORIA stands over him.)
VITCTORIA: Oh my God! Someone help, please! My husband's been murdered!(crying hysterically)

(Enter ROBERTS and MRS. ESTHER stage right, both slightly confused.)
MRS. ESTHER: Goodness, Victoria, whatever is the matter? (gasps as she sees HARRISON's body) Oh my! Is he-
ROBERTS: Dead I'm afraid, poor fellow. Looks like the murderer didn't take any pity on him. (observes HARRISON)

(MRS. ESTHER runs to VICTORIA and embraces her for comfort.)
MRS. ESTHER: (turns and looks at ROBERTS skeptically) And just who might you be?
ROBERTS: Oh, pardon me. (bows) Roberts's the name. Lloyd Roberts, but most people just call me Detective. (walks over to MRS. ESTHER, VICTORIA, and HARRISON)
VICTORIA: (stops crying) Detective? Why, yes, I've heard of you! You're that detective who starred in the Broadway Musical, Caught. (dramatic)
MRS. ESTHER: (prissy) No, my dear, you must be thinking of John Roberts. This man however possesses only an un-known profile.
VICTORIA: (slight pause) Well, no matter. Mr. Roberts, is there anything you can do to solve this matter?
ROBERTS: Mrs. Harrison, that's why I'm here. (impatient) I intend to crack this case wide open! (lifts index finger into the air) Now, first thing’s first. Look for clues!
MRS. ESTHER: Shouldn't we at least tell Victoria's sister?
ROBERTS: Hmm? Oh, yes, of course!
VICTORIA: I'll call for the maid to tell her. (starts walking offstage left) Anita! (exits stage)
ROBERTS: Mrs. Esther, do you know of Anita's whereabouts when the murder took place?
MRS. ESTHER: Well, I believe she was on the top deck to get some air for claim of not feeling well.
ROBERTS: Not feeling well, huh? (suspiciously) Aha! Our first suspect! (runs offstage right excitedly)

(MRS. ESTHER stands for a minute confused and then runs offstage right as the lights go off.)
Scene 2

(The lights go up on a bedroom setting. BLAIRE sits at a vanity, combing her hair while humming a little lullaby. ANITA enters from stage left.)
ANITA: Oh, Ms. Myers!
BLAIRE: (jumps in her chair and turns around) Anita, goodness, you gave me a fright! How are you feeling?
ANITA: Oh, Ms. Myers, it is so awful! So very, very terrible! (runs about anxiously)
BLAIRE: What is it, Anita? What's happened?
ANITA: Oh, Ms. Myers, I can't believe it! He's dead! He's dead! Mr. Stevens is dead!
BLAIRE: (disbelieving) What? How?
ANITA: Murdered! Oh, Ms. Myers, I couldn't believe it either, but there he was! Shot dead and then stabbed for good measure.
BLAIRE: Whoever it was must've really wanted Harrison dead. Oh, I can't even think of how upset Victoria must be.
ANITA: Well, Ms. Myers, she-

(ROBERTS, MRS. ESTHER, AND VICTORIA run on from stage left.)
MR. ROBERTS: Anita, you're coming with me to be questioned. You're a suspect for the murder of Harrison Stevens.

(Stage goes black.)
Scene 3

(Lights go up still on bedroom setting. MRS. ESTHER sits on bed while BLAIRE paces back and forth.)
BLAIRE: Something's not right. Why would Anita murder Harrison? (stops pacing)
MRS. ESTHER: Well, it's not that uncommon for the help to murder their masters due to harsh punishment.
BLAIRE: But that makes no sense. Harrison is- was a sweet and kind man, especially to Anita. He could do no wrong. Who would want to or even have the motive to kill him? (pauses and thinks a bit) I'll be right back. (starts walking offstage left)
MRS. ESTHER: Where are you going?
BLAIRE: On deck, to look for clues. (exits stage left)
Scene 4

(The lights go up to show a little chamber with three chairs and a table. ANITA is sitting in one of the chairs, while ROBERTS stands leaning against a wall set on stage right. His arms are crossed.)
ROBERTS: Anita, I’m going to ask you a few questions. They’re just for precaution-
ANITA: Like hell they are! It’s quite clear that you’ve already made up your mind of me being the murderer!
ROBERTS: Listen, you pathetic, little-

(ROBERTS leans onto the table with his hands on it, getting closer to ANITA’s face. ANITA stays perfectly still. MRS. ESTHER bursts onstage right in a panic.)
MRS. ESTHER: Mr. Roberts, Blaire went up to the top deck. It seems she’s quite worried the killer has not been caught.
ROBERTS: Why, the killer is right here, though! (points to ANITA)
MRS. ESTHER: Well, I know that, but Blaire is quite convinced this is not so.
ANITA: (glaring) Oh, this is ridiculous! I did not murder Mr. Stevens! Don’t you see what’s happening? Ms. Myers could be in trouble, and you two are just sitting here like imbeciles!
ROBERTS: Excuse me, but you have no authority to call us imbeciles! Why, I ought to-

(ANITA rolls her eyes and then jumps out of her chair and runs offstage right.)
ROBERTS: How dare you! Come back here you little b****! (runs offstage right)

MRS. ESTHER stands shocked and then runs off after them. The lights go out.)
Scene 5

(Lights go up to back on top deck setting. BLAIRE is walking about searching for some clue.)
BLAIRE: There has got to be something here. (spots something) What's this?

(BLAIRE picks up a small, blue gem. A sapphire.)
BLAIRE: I've seen this before! But it was connected to- no, that can't be.
VICTORIA: Oh, but my dear sister, it is. (walks out from behind a pyramid of crates and grins wickedly.)
Scene 6
BLAIRE: Victoria, how could you? He was your husband! (disbelieving)
VICTORIA: Oh, yes, that's right. Poor, precious Harrison. Always so kind and innocent. He could do no wrong! (mocking) The bastard fooled you all, but not me. I always saw past him, even when Father arranged for us to be married!
BLAIRE: But what could he have done that was so bad? Why? How-
VICTORIA: Well, I might as well tell you now that the cat's out of the bag. It all began on Christmas Eve when I caught Harrison and our cousin, Nora-yes, that's right he chose one of our own family! I caught them in the bedroom together, and I'm sure you can imagine what happened after that, or maybe not. I threatened to expose them, and he got up, walked to me, and slapped me across the face. He said if I ever told anyone, he would kill me. So, I arranged for us to go on a cruise making sure we brought certain people. For one, I knew to bring Anita due to her being the maid and all. Once she drank the concoction I prepared to make her sleep, it took a while making her feel a little dizzy. Of course, she fell unconscious before getting to the top deck, so I had to drag the girl up the stairs and hide her behind a crate. She woke up a little while after as I waited for Harrison to come meet me in this spot; so I placed a rag with chloroform on it over her mouth. This made Anita the perfect suspect, but just in case, I made sure to have Mrs. Esther come along as well. She was very helpful in convincing Lloyd of Anita being the murder due to her prejudice against the help. Oh, and let's not forget my most clever part of the plan to choose Lloyd Roberts as the detective. After all, he's the least successful investigator in all of England. I do quite take pride in that decision. Everything was working out perfect; that was until I discovered my wedding ring was missing a sapphire which I suspected must have fallen while I was stabbing Harrison. I was going to look earlier, but alas our great detective took Anita here for questioning. So, I decided to wait saying I needed to be alone to grieve for my precious, dear Harrison. (mocking)
BLAIRE: You won't get away with this. Not now that I know.
VICTORIA: Yes, about that. (grins wickedly)

(VICTORIA pulls out a gun and aims it at BLAIRE's heart.)
BLAIRE: How could you? Your own sister?
VICTORIA: You know, strangely that doesn't make a difference. You see, I've learned you can't depend on family. It's time you learn, too.
Scene 7
BLAIRE: Oh, sister, you underestimate me.

(BLAIRE kicks the gun out of VICTORIA's hand and runs into her, knocking them both to the ground. The two roll on the ground punching and biting. ROBERTS, ANITA, and MRS. ESTHER run onstage. ROBERTS pulls out a gun.)
ROBERTS: Enough! What are you two doing?

(VICTORIA punches BLAIRE in the jaw and crawls away from her, grabbing the gun off the ground. She points it at BLAIRE and stands up by the railing. BLAIRE stands. ANITA and MRS. ESTHER watch in fear. ROBERTS points his gun at VICTORIA.)
ROBERTS: I am not cautious about pulling the trigger, Mrs. Stevens. Put your gun down!

(VICTORIA stays still.)
ROBERTS: I said drop it!

(VICTORIA slowly lowers her gun. As ROBERTS starts lowering his, she quickly brings it back up and shoots BLAIRE in the shoulder. BLAIRE falls to her knees and holds her shoulder. ROBERTS shoots VICTORIA in the stomach. VICTORIA backs up so much that she falls over the railing. Her screams are heard as she hits the ocean water. Cue for splash sounds.)
Scene 8
ROBERTS: (looks at BLAIRE) Ms. Myers, are you alright?
BLAIRE: Yeah, but I think I'm going to need a doctor.
MRS. ESTHER: I'll go get one. (hurries offstage right)
ANITA: (goes to BLAIRE's side) Oh, Ms. Myers, how did you know it wasn't me? How did you figure out it was her?
ROBERTS: Well, I'm sure it was quite obvious when a gun was held to her head.
BLAIRE: Actually, it was this that unveiled the truth. (holds up the gem)
ANITA: Is that-
BLAIRE: A sapphire. From Victoria's wedding ring. I found it while searching for clues up here. (struggles to stand up)
ROBERTS: Oh, so you decided to do your own search did you?
ANITA: I beg your pardon, sir, but if it were not for Ms. Myers, you would still think I was the murderer which would get you nowhere.

(ROBERTS raises his hand to slap ANITA across the face, but BLAIRE steps in between them and grabs ROBERTS's hand.)
BLAIRE: (fiercely) You shall not harm this woman. Stay away from her, Mrs. Esther, and myself as well. You have no business to be here anymore.

(ROBERTS stands there shocked and speechless. Then, he storms off stage left.)
ANITA: Oh, Ms. Myers, you didn't have to do that.
BLAIRE: Anita, I'm tired of you getting treated like an animal or little kid. From now on, you are to just live with me as a companion. If you wish that is. I am not ordering you to do so, just an offer.
ANITA: Oh, Ms. Myers, that would be wonderful!
BLAIRE: Please, just call me Blaire.

(BLAIRE gives ANITA a hug. ANITA just stands shocked and eventually hugs back. Stage goes black. End of play.)

The author's comments:
Join into the mystery of who murdered Harrison Stevens on the Arpathic cruise ship during the summer of 1943.

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