Testimony | Teen Ink


March 15, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Characters: Three Friends
Setting: At Janae's house in her bedroom.
Janae: Wow! I was shock to her Asia’s voice when I answered my telephone last night. I have been trying to think of something to say to her when she arrives. I am glad she has gotten her life back on track. She has been through so much over the last two years.
Bria: Yeah me too I just wish she would have said something years ago.
Janae: Well maybe she didn’t know how to ask for help. I am just glad she has decided to reach out to us. I have missed her. We use to be the three musketeers.
Bria: (Nods in agreement) So what time is she supposed to be coming over?
Janae: (looks at watch) She should be here in about 10 minutes.

Sudden knock on the door
Janae: (answers the door acts kind of shocked) Oh hey we were just talking about you.
Asia: (with a laugh) Well, I hope you were saying good things
Bria: (waves) Hey girl.
Asia: (waves back) Hey girl.
Janae: So how have you been?
Asia: I’ve been doing pretty good, I’m taking each day one step at a time.
Janae: That’s good
Bria: So when did you get out of jail?
Janae: Shut up!
Asia: It’s okay! I know y’all have questions about what happened and where I have been.
Bria: You think! Last time I saw you, the money in my wallet went missing!!
Asia: I am so sorry! I made so many mistakes! I should have listened to you guys. That Tyler was no good. I was so crazy. I just never had anyone like him show me any interest. I didn’t listen to my parents or my friends when they tried to tell me…. The truth was staring me in the face, but I did not want to see it. I thought he loved me and wanted to be with me. He really wanted to just get me away from my family and friends so he could control and use me. He started giving me pills, saying they would help me feel better. The next thing I knew I could not function without them!! I did steal your money and I cannot begin to tell you all the things I stole from my parent to get the drugs.
Bria: I knew it! (Janae rolls her eyes at Bria)
Asia: Well… I thought that I might share some… I guess useful information with you today.
Bria: (looking puzzled) And that would be…
Asia: Well I really don’t know how to put it. But as you know I got addicted to prescription drugs and it took me a very long time to get clean. I hurt a lot of people and I was so ashamed after I got caught stealing in Macy’s. I really didn’t know Tyler had a gun. I set in that jail 6 weeks. I almost lost the little mind I had left. My parents, my parents… I didn’t know the depth of their love…. After all I had done….they never stopped loving me. I spent 6 month in a rehab program. I know my parent put another mortgage on their house to get me the help I needed. My mom and dad were praying without ceasing. They told me they never doubted that God would heal me and deliver me from drug addiction.
Janae: Wow! What a testimony! The prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Bria: So what are you doing now?
Asia: I am taking some online college classes and I speak at schools and churches sharing my testimony with children and others. I wanted to invite you guys to be my guest at a church I am speaking at on Sunday. I need some moral support.
Janae: I will certainly be there.
Bria: I will be there too. Let’s make a promise right here and now that we will trust God and walk in his ways. No matter what….
Janae, Asia, Bria: We have to remember that God’s highest wish us is to be well. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. (3 John 1:2 KJV)
Hugging each other.

The author's comments:
This is a small skit that I had to do for my church Christmas Program.

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