A Safe Place | Teen Ink

A Safe Place

May 30, 2024
By jordanmoore SILVER, Franklin, Wisconsin
jordanmoore SILVER, Franklin, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

SCENE 1: Porch

(Doorbell rings six times. GLORIA runs S.L. to get it.)


(Panting loudly)

I’m coming! I’m coming!

(Flings the door open when the sixth ding sounds.)


(Shocked, agitated)

What are you doing here?

(CAMILA stands in the doorway. She’s cringing, wearing a yellow shirt, pink leggings, and old brown boots. Five suitcases sit at her feet.)


(Awkward smile, gripping her left wrist)

Gloria? Hi– sorry. Uh, I didn’t think you were home! It’s a good thing you were, though.

(Laughs tightly.)


(GLORIA narrows her eyes.)

Why are you here?

(CAMILA takes a small step toward GLORIA, reaching for a hug.)


(Steps back, harsh)

Don’t you dare.

(Tense silence)


(Looking at her sister’s orange gown with gold flowers. Notices her bright makeup. Curiosity shines in her voice)

Are you going somewhere? You’re all dressed up. It looks nice, don’t get me wrong, but why?


(Crosses her arms, sneers)

I was getting ready to go out with my friends. We were going to grab dinner.


(Head tilt to the left, confused)

Which friends?



You know which friends, idiot! The ones I’ve had since we’ve moved here! The only friends I’ve ever made!


(Rolls her eyes)

Oh. Right, yes. Those friends. 


(Huffs angrily and points at the suitcases next to CAMILA)

What are those for? Did you come from a hotel? If I open your car, will ten more fall out?


(Reaches to tease a strand of her long, black hair)

Ten more of what? The suitcases or ten more hotels?



You know what I meant! Just tell me why you’re here.


(looks down at the porch, shuffles feet)




(Hands on hips)


(CAMILA rolls her eyes. Looks at the ground, then back at GLORIA)

I– I need a place to stay.

(Long pause)


(Arched eyebrow)

What do you mean?


(Looks at GLORIA, sighs)

I mean I need a place to stay.


You said that already.


(CAMILA stares at GLORIA expectantly, her hands behind her back as she sways back and forth.)


(Left hand rubs her forehead, exasperated)

Why do you need a place to stay, Camila? You have your apartment. Mami bragged about it constantly after you moved out. I’ve seen the pictures online; it’s dingy but nice. Why can’t you just go back there?!

(CAMILA cringes and grips her left wrist)


(Defeated sigh, throws hands up)

Whatever. Just come in. Take off your ugly boots and leave your suitcases on the mat. 

(GLORIA fingers her skirt, dejected. Points S.R. to the living room.)

I’m going to change. Wait for me down here. We are not done talking.

SCENE 2: Living Room

(CAMILA sits down on one of the dusty brown chairs. She keeps her eyes trained on the staircase, waiting for GLORIA to come back.)

(GLORIA comes down the stairs, wearing a plain gray housedress, white socks, and a single gold bracelet on her right wrist. Her hair is in a messy braid.)


(Eyes narrowed, disapproving)

You look horrible.

(GLORIA glares at CAMILA as she steps off the stairs.)

Start talking.


(Sighs, turns away, crosses her arms)

I don’t have anything to say to you.

(GLORIA sits down S.R. next to CAMILA. She faces CAMILA with her back straight and her face disgusted.)

You want to stay with me, I need a valid reason. You work at an advertising agency, you have almost $900,000 saved in your bank account. You bought a car last year and gave 100 dollars to Mami weeks later. How could you possibly lose your apartment? 



(Arms crossed)

I’ll wait, Camila. I have all day.



(Legs crossed at the ankles, angrier)

Don’t look at the walls, Camila. Look at me. Why do you need a place to stay?!


(GLORIA loses her temper and slaps CAMILA across the face. CAMILA falls off the chair and onto her side. CAMILA scrambles to stand and puts a hand over her cheek, which is bruised and bleeding.)



Why did you do that?

(GLORIA stands up as well and grabs CAMILA by her shirt.)

I. Want. Answers. You don’t just come down from your high pedestal like this and ask for help. I refuse to believe that you– rich lady, outcast, Mami’s golden child– suddenly fall out of step without reason. You have more money than every person in our family so you couldn’t have gotten kicked out of your apartment. You have no husband– that was the only thing I did right, according to Mami– so you were not abused in any way. And there’s no way you got fired. That stupid advertising faker you work for hires people and keeps them until the day they die. Some of them should’ve been fired two hours after starting. 

(CAMILA whimpers in GLORIA’S grip.)


(Raises her voice)

Just come out and tell me already! We could’ve been done talking about this an hour ago.



Let me go! Let me go!



Why do you always do this?! I ask you a simple question, and you–


(Blurts out)

Papi came to my apartment!

(Long silence)


(Lowers voice, baffled)

What did you say?

(GLORIA reluctantly lets go of CAMILA, who falls backward with a cry of pain. CAMILA stands shakily and takes a step back.)


(Head down)

Papi came to my apartment. Two days ago.





What does that have to do with your request to stay with me? Papi came to your apartment. So what? Why does that matter? He loves you!

(CAMILA looks up. Her lips are quivering.)

He doesn’t love me, and you know it. He only pretended to make you and Mami happy.


(Scoffs, crosses arms)

Don’t be so dramatic. Sure, Papi was strict sometimes, but he loved us. He came to all the functions at my school and made sure that your college tuition was paid. After you left, he even cried!



I bet he did. He’d always said that he was glad you made up for what I lacked; he slapped me when I tried to teach you how to walk; he criticized me for the smallest things–


(Rolls her eyes)

He was strict because he wanted us to be good people.

(CAMILA slumps down into a nearby chair.)

It was more than that. You know it. He was horrible, Gloria.



Whatever. So you said he came to your apartment? What happened next, since we’re placing the blame on him now.

(CAMILA covers her face with her hands and leans back in her chair.)

He found out where I lived because he and my landlord are good friends and she gave him all my information. He came to the door one morning just as I was leaving for work and when he saw me– God, the hatred in his eyes, Gloria. I thought he’d kill me.



I bet you did.



Be quiet and listen!



Well then get on with it!

(CAMILA looks at the floor to shield her tears.)

He said that he was not surprised at where I lived, that this was all lowlife artists and crazy people could amount to. H-he slapped me across the face and said that if wanted to live the way I was living, I couldn’t do it near him. I had to leave.




Mami told us where he lived. Just before you moved to Texas, she told you his address. You brought that on yourself, Camila. I will not feel sorry for you just because you made a stupid decision like that.

(CAMILA shakes her head and looks up at GLORIA.)

She said he lived in Dallas. I moved to Fort Worth. He came to find me. He bought my apartment and kicked me out because he still can’t stand me even after all of these years.



He stole from you?


(Nods, sniffs)

Yes. He kicked me out, got me fired, and now controls my bank account. He says it’s ‘revenge’ for all the ‘suffering’ I caused him and Mami before you were born.

(GLORIA rubs her forehead and groans.)

You’re not making this up, are you?

(CAMILA shakes her head. A tear slips down her cheek.)

I wish I were. I don’t know what to do, Gloria! I need your help!

(GLORIA stares at CAMILA for a long time. CAMILA fidgets in her chair and blushes, looking down.)




(CAMILA looks up hopefully.)



(Sighs, resigned)

All right, fine. You can stay here.

(CAMILA leaps up from her chair.)

You mean it?



I– yes. But only for a little while.


(CAMILA eagerly runs forward to hug GLORIA, squeezing her tightly.)

Thank you so much!

(GLORIA squirms out of the embrace and regards CAMILA sternly.)

One more thing.

(CAMILA looks at GLORIA, her smile fading.)


(GLORIA shuts her eyes and sighs shakily.)

This isn’t easy for me to say, but… 


(CAMILA raises her eyebrows)


(GLORIA reaches out to squeeze CAMILA’S hand.)

I had no idea you suffered like this. Had I known, had you told me–


(Voice cracks)

I know.


(Offended, horrified)

Why didn’t you tell me what was going on? Why would you keep this from me?



Papi loved you. He never laid a hand on you or Mami. I figured that I deserved it. I thought if I told you, I would be making a big deal out of nothing.

(GLORIA hugs CAMILA as CAMILA cries into her shoulder.)

I would’ve helped you, you know. Mami too. We could’ve stood up to him.

(CAMILA continues sobbing loudly.)

(GLORIA holds CAMILA at arm’s length and lifts her chin, determined.)

I won’t let him get away with this. I’ll ask around, help you get a job, and find somewhere close to me for you to stay. You’re safe for now, okay?

(CAMILA nods, grateful.)

Thank you, Gloria.

(GLORIA releases CAMILA and turns to walk S.L., toward CAMILA’S suitcases and bags.)



Should we get started unpacking? You don’t travel lightly. Come help me. These bags… What do have in here, rocks? A bunch of weights?

(CAMILA laughs and follows GLORIA, grabbing one of her bags.)

SCENE 3: Front hall



One more thing, Gloria.

(GLORIA turns back to face CAMILA, groaning.)

What do you want now?

(CAMILA hefts up one of her bags and looks down at the floor.)

(GLORIA rolls her eyes.)

Oh, we are not doing this again. If you have something to say, tell me straight away.

(CAMILA opens her mouth, then closes it, gripping the handle of her bag. She bites her lip as she stares at GLORIA apologetically.)




What is it, Camila? Another secret? Another surprise for me? No one else needs to stay here, do they?



Nope. Just me.


(Groans, threatening)

I swear I will slap you again if you don’t tell me what else is on your mind. If you’re staying here, that’s the new rule.




Do you want me to kick you out? That can be arranged; we haven’t even started unpacking.


(GLORIA drops the suitcase handle she was holding and raises her hand.)



(Blurts out)

You need better friends, Gloria.

(GLORIA drops her hand and rolls her eyes. She puts her right hand on her hip and glares at CAMILA, exasperated.)

What does that have to do with anything, Camila? We were talking about you moving in, and now you question the company I’m keeping?



It’s true.


(GLORIA sighs and crosses her arms.)

No, it isn’t. My friends are fine. Sure, they’re a bit narcissistic at times, but who isn’t? When you moved away, they helped me cope.


(Narrowed eyes)

By doing what? Making fun of others? Stealing packs of soda from the gas station?

(GLORIA points at CAMILA, flustered but trying to hide it.)

That happened one time! Other times, we were great together.

(CAMILA slings a purple bag over her shoulder and stands up straight, rolling her eyes.)

Yes, they showed how great they were when you went out to eat with us instead of them in your freshman year of high school and they made racist comments about you for two weeks after.

(GLORIA grips one suitcase in either hand and turns behind her to go up the stairs.)

Well, they had a right to be mad. I didn’t tell them where I’d be that day, and we made up, didn’t we?

(Tense silence)

(GLORIA turns over her shoulder and scowls at CAMILA.)

There’s nothing wrong with who I hang out with, Camila. My friends have always been there for me when you weren’t, and I’m not giving them up just because you have a problem with them.

(CAMILA storms up to GLORIA and stops two stairs below her, making both of her hands into fists.)

They’re the reason we grew apart, Gloria! When you met them, you became so closed off that I hardly recognized you.



What did you expect? You kept ignoring me, and you were so eccentric that no one could stand being around you. 

(CAMILA looks at the ground.)

I started ignoring you because you and your friends were so mean to me. You were almost as bad as Papi! You tripped me when I walked down the street, you laughed at my outfits and my chosen major in college–

(GLORIA smirks.)

Everyone did that, Camila. Who majors in advertising? 

(CAMILA holds up her hand, looking back up at GLORIA. Her eyes are brimming with tears again.)

And worst of all, I did try to tell you about Papi’s abuse once, but you guys laughed at me! You called me a dramatic brat.

(GLORIA throws up her hands.)

Well, I didn’t know back then, did I?

(CAMILA shakes her head. A tear slips down her cheek as she grips her left wrist tightly.)

Doesn’t matter. What kind of person takes her friends’ word over her sister’s?



I wouldn’t have believed them even if they weren’t with me! The fact that I’m believing you now is bad enough.

(CAMILA sniffs and fingers the strap of her bag.)

(GLORIA groans and leans against CAMILA’s suitcase.)

Are you about to start crying again? Good God, you are a dramatic brat!


(GLORIA rubs her forehead, then puts her hands on her hips.)

You have no right to judge me, Camila. It’s bad enough that you insist on staying with me for who knows how long; I’m keeping my friends and there’s nothing you can do about it.


(CAMILA wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.)

Mami agrees with me.



This gets better and better. What did you tell Mami about me? Was your sob story just a joke you two dreamed up to spy on me?



No, of course not! It’s all true. I– I called Mami just before I got here, and she wanted to make sure you were okay. I told her I would check on you.


(CAMILA looks off to the side wall, where a picture of GLORIA and her seven friends hangs. In the picture, GLORIA’s expression is forced happiness as she loops her arm around one boy’s waist. She looks like she’s been forced into the picture at the last minute.)

(GLORIA follows CAMILA’s gaze and sighs.)

We’ve had our moments, but my friends have always been there for me. I’m not leaving them so you can clear your conscience.

(CAMILA turns to stare at GLORIA, defeated. She reaches out and puts her hand on GLORIA’s shoulder.)

Will you at least talk to them? You can stay friends, but how they treat you is just awful. You’re helping me fix my life, and now I’m going to help you fix yours.

(GLORIA narrows her eyes at CAMILA, but she soon grows resigned.)

Have it your way. I’ll talk to them.



And if they don’t listen to you, you can leave them.




We’ll see what happens, okay? I can’t believe you’ve already tried to reorder my life after you just got here.

(CAMILA smiles a little.)

But you love me for it, right?


(Rolls her eyes)

Sure, whatever. Now come on, these stupid bags of yours are going to keep us busy all night.


(Choked with gratitude)

Thank you.

(GLORIA grins with compassion.)

I told you you could stay, didn’t I?

(Both girls turn facing behind them to go upstairs, shoving each other and laughing the whole way up. The curtain closes as they reach the second level.)


The author's comments:

This was a play I did for my Creative Writing class. Hope you like it!

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