Crossed Paths | Teen Ink

Crossed Paths

April 30, 2024
By ajzela BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
ajzela BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cast of Characters:

CELESTE, the sweet and naive bride-to-be

MARIANNE, her honest, gentle, and cheeky mother

PIERRE, her wise father

JOSHUA, the arrogant groom-to-be

JENNIFER, his kind mother

RYAN, his humorous father

PRIEST, who assists the marriage

ANTHONY, the notorious gang leader with a changed agenda


Set in modern-day New York, 22-year-old Celeste Dupont (dew-pon) and her French immigrant family struggle to make ends meet. Her parents, Pierre and Marianne Dupont, have managed a café for as long as Celeste can remember, barely earning a profit to keep their possessions afloat. After countless attempts to help her family, Pierre and Marianne refused each time, shielding Celeste from the world's reality. When left home alone with nothing to do, Celeste felt obligated to cook and clean. Her world gets shaken up when her parents return home from work one day to inform her she will wed a wealthy Joshua Williams.

25-year-old Joshua Williams was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. His parents, Jennifer and Ryan Williams – well-known names in the business industry – passed down their assets, accomplishments, and attributes unintentionally for him to misuse them. Keeping in touch with old friends, they knew the Duponts struggled financially with their café, and their son was getting out of control. One question lingered in their minds, which would tie the future for their son and the Dupont's daughter. The Duponts were no beggars, but when asked, what choice did they have given the circumstances?

Joshua had a secret life. Casinos, clubs, and bars were where he wasted money to feel something, whether legal or illegal. Befriending different mobs of gangsters involved him in their messes, fleeing from those scenes to wed an unknown woman with a debt following him closely. Little did the most notorious gang leader, Anthony Morales, know the premeditated murder of a man with a neverending due was about to marry the angel that took his breath away.


The play takes place at St. Ann’s Church in the heart of New York City, providing a serene and private setting for Celeste, Joshua, and their parents' union. Its weathered stone exterior and quiet interior offer refuge from the bustling city outside. With only the close family present, fellow churchgoers, and paparazzi unaware of the event, the atmosphere is calm and intimate, allowing the ceremony to unfold undisturbed by the outside world.



(Almost til noon, the sun’s rays flood the dressing room. MARIANNE leans against the wall, watching CELESTE silently, deep in thought, as she does final touch-ups to her soft, minimal makeup in her satin, intricated lace wedding dress gifted from the Williams. MARIANNE quickly changes her expression to a happy one as CELESTE turns from the mirror to look at MARIANNE with the same previous look. MARIANNE straightens herself up, noticing her worry, and walks towards CELESTE in hopes of comforting her.)


(She puts her hands on Celeste’s shoulders, squeezing them a little.)

Why do you look so distraught, mon chéri? You look breathtaking. Joshua will not know what hit him!


(She frowns.)

It’s not that. It’s just… I-I don’t know, maman. What if Joshua isn’t a nice guy?


(She lets her hands fall from Celeste’s shoulders and guides her to a small wooden bench, where they both sit. She sighs.)

Mon chéri, you do know why we are doing this. We would not be doing this if your father and I weren’t sure. The Williams are good people. Their son is, too. Trust me.


(She relaxes a bit, and a small smile forms.)

You always know how to cheer me up, maman.

(They exchange a tight, squeezing hug while Marianne moves her arm up and down Celeste’s back. After a moment in silence, they both let go.)


(She looks around the walls for a clock but cannot find one.)

Is it time yet?


(She looks down at her watch, which reads noon. She jumps from her seat.)

Oh, mon Dieu! You’re late!

(She ushers Celeste up from the bench, grabs the veil, and quickly adjusts it over her face. They were out the door in seconds, shutting it behind them.)



(Right outside the doors where the bride and her father walk down the aisle, PIERRE and CELESTE wait patiently for the music to begin, signaling them to start walking inside the church.)

(Pierre and Celeste stand side by side, her arm linked with his. He then turns to face Celeste.)


(With a bright smile on his face.)

You look beautiful, ma douce fille. You sure know how to doll yourself up.


(A tear slips down her face, and Pierre brushes away with his thumb.)

Merci papa. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

(A processional song begins to play, and the doors swing open, turning the heads of the audience inside the church.)


(Whispering to Celeste.)

Don’t cry, mon amour. But you better believe it because it’s happening right now!


(She chuckles, then whispers back to Pierre.)

Okay, let’s do this, papa.

(They exchange glances before slowly walking down the aisle together. The audience watches them closely, awed by the bride’s dress gently hugging her silhouette and delicate veil, crowning her beauty with an air of timeless enchantment. They finally reach the altar, where Pierre guides Celeste to stand on the left side. He then sits in the audience next to Marianne, grabbing her hand to hold on to lovingly.)



(The altar is decorated with crisp, white cloths draping over its surface and clusters of soft-hued flowers – pale roses, baby’s breath, and delicate greenery – their fragrance filling the air as the Sun reflects its light on the stained-glass windows, casting bright glows throughout the church. JOSHUA stands on the right, CELESTE stands on the left, and the PRIEST stands between them. CELESTE looks more nervous than JOSHUA, but neither knows who does what first.)


(In an amused tone.)

You both didn’t do your homework? How am I supposed to wed you two if you both look like deers caught in headlights?

(The audience laughs in unison. Jennifer speaks up.)


(In an annoyed tone.)

Joshua, you know what to do.


(He pats Jennifer on the shoulder to calm her down. Gruffly, he speaks.)

Son, you heard your mother. I don’t want to deal with her being upset.

(The audience laughs again, including the Priest. Jennifer feels embarrassed, trying to hide a smile while Ryan kisses her on the cheek to reassure her he is joking.)


(He slowly takes Celeste’s veil off her head and lets it cascade down her back. He takes this opportunity to lean towards her ear and whisper something only she can hear.)

Pretty. But not for me. Remember: it’s just business.

(He straightens himself up and makes eye contact with her, his face stoic. He then grabs her hands to hold in his, not waiting for a response.)


(She blinks a few times, the shock delaying her reply.)


(She is interrupted by the Priest, who is about to start the ceremony.)


Shall we begin?

(Joshua and Celeste both nod their heads.)


(He clears his throat.)

Joshua, do you take Celeste for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?


I do.


(Nodding his head with a smile.)

And do you, Celeste, take Joshua for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?


(Softly talking with a hint of nervousness.)

I-I do.


(With satisfaction on his face.)

What God joins together, let no one put asunder. You may proceed with the wedding rings.


(He reaches into his pocket, taking out Celeste’s wedding ring.)

Celeste, receive this ring as a sign of-

(The doors suddenly fly open, and everyone whips their heads to the unexpected commotion. A group of armed, bulky men dressed roughly walk forward, staring directly at JOSHUA. They then stop right in front of the altar.)


(In an authoritative tone, glancing around.)

Everyone stay where you are unless you want me to blow your head off.

(The audience froze in their spots, not knowing what to do or what would happen next. Anthony stares down at Joshua while Anthony’s men back up from him to survey any unwanted movement. Celeste has her head down, shaking in fear.)


(In an amused tone, dryly laughing at the beginning of the second sentence.)

Did you really think you would run away and hide from what you, yourself, stepped into? You guessed wrong; once an ally, always an ally.

(He grabs Joshua by his collar and rams his pistol against his side.)

Where’s the money?!


(In a terrified voice, yelling.)


(Anthony’s men threaten Ryan to control his wife before they shut her up themselves. Ryan obeys and tries calming Jennifer down.)


(He tries to overpower Anthony in strength to no avail, gritting his teeth in anger.)

I don’t owe you any money, bastard! Let go of me-


(He scoffs, tightening his hold on Joshua’s collar.)

Don’t act dumb. You wasted MY hard-earned money, and you owe it back. Plain and simple.


(Obviously lying, trying not to blow his cover.)

I have no idea what you’re talking about-


(He smirks.)

You should’ve thought about it before spending it on those hardcore drugs.

(He cocks his gun and is about to shoot but is interrupted.)


(In a hysterical voice, looking up at the two men, teary-eyed.)

NO! Don’t shoot, please!

(She grabs Joshua’s arm – trying to pull him towards her.)

(Joshua and Anthony look down at Celeste, forgetting her presence. Anthony makes eye contact with her right where he makes up his mind.)


(Shoving Celeste’s hand away from his arm, pushing her away.)

Stupid, don’t get involved-


(His heart feels like it might burst from his chest, thumping louder and louder because of Celeste. His grip on Joshua’s collar loosens as he directs his attention back to Joshua, still having his pistol rammed against his side.)

Is this your wife?


(Taken aback expression.)



(A more irritated expression as he adjusts his grip.)

I’m not going to repeat myself.


To be wife, yes. What’s it to you?


(He smirks.)

If you hand over the girl, I’ll let you and everyone else go without consequences.


(In a horrified tone. Pierre is holding her in his arms.)

My daughter, Celeste?! GIVEN to YOU?!-

(Anthony’s men shoot bullets toward the ceiling, making everyone scream and duck down, holding the top of their heads.)


(He looks back at his men, still irritated.)

That’s enough.

(He looks back at Joshua.)

You know I won't repeat myself, and the only option that will let you and your pathetic family leave this place alive.


(He scoffs.)

Take her, for all I care.


(With a horrified expression, tears falling down her face, looking between the two men.)



(In an instant, he lets go of Joshua and walks toward Celeste, putting his pistol away to stop right in front of her, softly caressing her tear-stained cheek.)

Celeste, is it?


(She stumbles back a little, her head hanging low. She felt the sting of his thumb on her cheek, unbearable for her. Her voice quivers as she speaks.)

D-Don’t come any closer-


(He lowers his voice to a whisper, his heart panging with guilt because he knows what to do if someone isn’t cooperating.)

Relax, angel. It will all be over soon. Trust me.

(He quickly covers Celeste’s mouth and hauls her away from the altar, bridal style. His men hold back the audience, firing a bullet or two to the ceiling to control them. Reaching the entrance doors, he scans the audience one last time. He smirks at the crowd and signals his men to create bloodshed. Escaping with Celeste safe in his arms, ear-splitting screams and thuds of bodies echoed through the hallway.)


The author's comments:

Ajzela Mujkanovic is a vibrant and determined individual who navigates her path with resilience and grace. Born in Silvis, Illinois, to Bosnian and Herzegovinian immigrants, her upbringing was influenced by culture and the strength of familial bonds. Relocating to Des Moines, Iowa, marked a pivotal moment for Ajzela, where she confronted the challenges of adapting to a new environment and language. Despite initial apprehensions, her perseverance shone through as she excelled academically. As an ambassador for Valley High School, Ajzela embodies leadership and dedication, actively participating in the National Honor Society and volunteer clubs. Her commitment to academic excellence, with a passion for languages (Bosnian, English, and Spanish), reflects her talents and aspirations. Beyond her educational pursuits, Ajzela's interests encompass a colorful array of activities, from creating art and writing pieces to honing her culinary skills. Her love for communication and connection with others, with a sense of empathy and integrity, underscores her desire to impact the world.

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