Life Fairy | Teen Ink

Life Fairy

March 10, 2018

To know the Life Fairy is to have all the keys needed to prosper in life. The Life Fairy is seven inches tall with ocean blue eyes and brown voluminous curly hair. Her attire consists of slim fitting colorful polka-dot dresses that always would match her colorful headband of the day which states, “Life Happens” in a big obnoxious text. The Life Fairy’s first name is Vida, and her last name is Loca. Her objective in life was to make an individuals life fulfilled as possible by giving them keys, and additionally the power to retain all wisdom, virtue, culture, happiness, health, love and success. In other words, she was giving them fundamentals, the recipe for a life of prospering. Another characteristic of Life Fairies are that they are immortal, meaning they never die. Vida has been around since 1564, which goes to show how much knowledge she has on life and everything within it. Vida Loca chooses an individual to grant pieces of advice too at age 12, by just one catching her eye, where ever she is at at the moment. The thing with Vida is that she is not visible, until after you accept the promise she offers you. Therefore, she typically likes to seek her next work of art at either frozen-yogurt stores, libraries, movies, and specifically while she is watching TV in peoples’ living rooms so she will not frighten them too badly when they here a little lady speaking out of thin air. When she approaches 12 year olds, they are relatively open to talking to her, and she tells them the details of her intentions which she doesn't to go to much into detail for the reason that 12-year-olds are quick to jump to saying yes rather quickly when there is a Life Fairy involved. So much so that Vida typically never gets to get around the details that there is a catch. An individual will be stuck with her for a minimum of 20 years if you accept her promise to help further develop you as an individual and in life. To many, this may sound like a delightful opportunity, and Sunshine was one of those many who did.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sunshine who was 12 years old and in the 6th grade. Her family consisted of three dogs, a bird, three sisters, and two brothers. She was the youngest of them all. The age gap between each child was two years. Sunshine had always been close to her mom telling her everything. She went to a public school just about a block up from her house. She was timid and wasn't that great at talking to people her age. The teachers there did not notice her as she was just an average student. On the night of January, 10th was playing FortNite and got flabbergasted when she started hearing a little lady speak out of thin air. The Life Fairy discussed with her a few things, and when Sunshine heard all the great stuff, Vida was saying she gravitated towards the idea and quickly said yes. Vida and Sunshine would now be in each other's life for 20 years. That night when Sunshine would fall asleep, she would wake up with the ability to see Vida Loca and retain all the keys to life forever. This power was a new benefit and would change every decision, and mistake Sunshine would have made without it. Once realizing what she had, she would attempt to tell her parents that about Vida and her abilities, but they giggled out of doubt and just let her be. After the fact, Vida told Sunshine that no one would believe her mainly because not a single soul can see Vida other than Sunshine.
The next years of Sunshine’s life would consist of a lot of adjusting with herself and having to keep a secret that is between her and the Life Fairy. Everyday for the next 20 years Vida would always be around to help, teach, and advise Sunshine in all situations in her life. The first change that dramatically caught people's’ attention was how much more intelligent Sunshine was becoming. Her teachers would soon question what she had changed in her life that totally broaden her intellect. Of course Sunshine couldn't tell them any other answer other than she had just been reading and studying more often. Furthermore, Vida Loca has the power to make Sunshine dream of anything she wants to acquire more knowledge about. If she dreams of it, she retains it. There was many days where she would never wake out of her slumber, so much so she would sleep sometimes for 24-36 hours. Her parents would have to call the ambulance thinking she was never going to wake up. None of the doctors knew what was wrong with her. This made the doctors do more than a thousand test on her and more than 13 brain surgeries. She had try explaining that it was just the Life Fairy who created dreams of lessons and wisdom based on what she wanted to acquire that made her fall into deep slumber, and she had tried asking her parents to stop all the tests and surgeries but her parents being parents didn't understand and were worried for the wellness of their child. Throughout all this Vida was giving knowledge to Sunshine, sometimes to the point that Sunshine knew more than the doctors. Vida told Sunshine that she can always just stop dreaming, and rather just have Vida tell her, but Sunshine did not want that. She wanted to be enlightened about everything and anything. Her curiosity drove her. One of Sunshine’s objective in her life was to fill her mind with a vast amount of knowledge about everything as her curiosity about the world around her was galvanizing. Sunshine did the one thing she was advised not to do, and she told her four closest friends whom were, Leo, Penelope, Dalila and Mia she had received power to further prosper in life by a Life Fairy named Vida Loca. They were hesitant to believe her as that is not something you hear everyday, but they were her close friends so they ended up trusting her word. Her friends would test her abilities by switching up one thing Sunshine told them to do to see if it would actually change anything. When they would it the outcome was just a disaster. Her friends took the situation as a good thing and would use Sunshine to their benefit. Sunshine didn’t mind as she was selfless, and open to sharing her newly developed thoughts with her friends. Over time Vida and Sunshine began spending more and more time together, as Vida would go wherever Sunshine would ask to accompany her. In away Vida Loca was more of a sister than just a helpful person to Sunshine. They would spend a lot of time together, whether it would be accompanying each other on holidays, going to the movies, going to dinner, shopping, picnics, and getting nails done. By her senior year of high school Sunshine had became aware of her friends beginning to become confused and jealous of her abilities as they were growing older and applying to colleges. This was because she was the best out of the five and her friends thought it was not just that she had a Life Fairy and they did not. Sunshine explained to her friends that she is always open to helping them with life and anything they needed and would be there own personal Life Fairy. She wanted nothing, but to help the people she loved and help them obtain having a prosperous life, similar to hers. Her ability to have these dreams made her want to push harder and harder to thrive to be the best. Sunshine was at the top of her game, she was exceeding in all her classes. She had been accepted to her dream Ivy League University and was ranked number one in her class. Leo in second, Penelope in third, Dalila in fourth, and Mia in fifth. Keeping her friends all in the top five with her so they all had a good chance. This was one of the solutions that was given to her by the Vida so they all felt equal in a sense. The other solution Vida advised her about was to not feel it is her responsibility to advise these girls because Vida’s radar was going off in regards to thinking her friends were just using her for her intelligence. Being the sweet lady she is, Sunshine was not in favor of that solution because she had no interest in losing her friends. Sunshine was grateful for Vida Loca and the opportunity to have someone who has her best interest in mind. Growing up Sunshine had accomplished so much with her family and Vida by her side. She was able to enter college as a third year straight after high school because of her academic capabilities and excellence.
Years passed, and now Sunshine was at the point in her life where she and Vida Loca had been in each other's lives for 18 years. By this time Sunshine was well established in her career of being a Pediatrician and was beginning to start a family with her husband, Eli. Eli was well aware of Vida and was supportive of Sunshine having that opportunity. One day while Sunshine was doing her night-time skin care routine before about to go to bed Vida Loca brought her attention that she had been notified that she had been asked to return to the Fairies of Life World abruptly because she had received word that her best fairy friend was doing very ill and needing assistance because she has no one else to care for her. Viva would be leaving Sunshine in two days. Sunshine was so stunned to hear this news and did not know how to handle it, she just cried and cried until she had no tears left. When she was done crying that is when Vida Loca told her not to waste her tears and that it was all going to be okay. Sunshine was so hurt about the situation because Vida Loca was her family, and there for the good and bad. She was still expecting to have Vida in her life for at least two more years. There was no
preparing Sunshine for this as she has never felt someone so close to her just leave, and she had to come to terms with that. Vida Loca played such a huge role and deeply in Sunshines life that Sunshine never really imagined her life without her up to this point. She had found comfort in Vida and put so much trust into her, that to see her go was a day she did not see coming, nor prepare for. Sunshine had absolutely no idea what she was going to do without her right-hand women. The next two days consisted of Sunshine being sad and moping around and not wanting to seek any knowledge from Vida. On the day Vida was returning to the Fairies of Life World, she had sat down Sunshine and asked her if she has any last questions she wanted answering or advice sought. Sunshine replied, “Why does this have to happen?” That is when Vida Loca said, “Life happens, and throughout it, an individual creates themselves by how they react to it. We will keep in touch and be on the lookout for a letter in about two weeks. I hope I have given you light in many areas and have influenced you to grow prosperous, the way you are intended.” Vida Loca gave Sunshine a big hug, an I love you, and her well wish wishes, and just like that, Vida Loca was on her way.

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