History Gone Techy | Teen Ink

History Gone Techy

December 6, 2016
By DonkeyKongX BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
DonkeyKongX BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     History Gone Techy
Back in 190016 BTA(Before the accident), an engineer named Alzia Carpenter was trying to create this machine that turned obese people into muscled strong men and women…
“Hahahaha!”giggled Oomm. But I kept going.
  But he had a malfunction in his machine and his Robot assistants was turned into Robosaurs and every human in the world turned obese,
“Hahahahah” laughed Zoob loudly.
“Just breathe, Peyton, just breathe.” I continued.
Then slowly the world went back into the  prehistoric times, the world was basically the  same but the creation of mountains  overdosed and the water supply went down fast, since everyone was obese they drank like 10 times the water average people do. Then when me and my pact were walking rumbling happened, we thought it was an earthquake, but it turned into a mountain where we got stuck up at the top in a cave, but found are way down to hunt and eat, so we called it  The Cave, aka , Mount Cacapoopoo. Then we started to eat humans and the incident was called The Accident. 
“HAHAHAHA”, laughed Oomm and Zoob. Then I exploded.
“ JUST LET ME FINISH THE STORY.” And Zoob threw a pie at me.
“ Can you calculate how yummy that is.” He laughed hysterically and suddenly felt the urge to laugh and I  did.
“Puns are life.” said Oomm.

10,884 years later
Here we are in our cave, looking out the window waiting for this big red thing that helps us do things that we need to do to survive, like helping my tail take out my enemies or my jaw to help me chomp up my prey, or 2 hind legs to help me run very fast from or to enemies. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself well I am Ploot but I prefer Peyton and we are in the year 10884  ATA ( After The Accident ). We are known as robosaurs, which are robot dinosaurs that kill humans. So basically we are terminator dinosaurs, but without the long arms, just picture it. Okay, so back to the adventure, right about now  we are about to  hunt some Humans for breakfast. Me, Oomm, and Zoob and the others are robosaurs or like we call ourselves the Predators. We usually eat Humans but I prefer a healthier breakfast, like dogs. But no one pays attention to me. Oomm and Zoob are like the Twin destroyers, when they are out hunting,no one gets in their way. Their is no one they can't take down. Except Niece. Niece is the most obese human in the world. Basically he is a fat president of the world and he has so many bodyguards that no robosaurs would go near him.Well I on the other hand I just go hunt the ones that are less biggie. So I wanted to suggest something.
“ I suggest that we go to the this place called the Dog Park  to get some of those Dogs because they a healthy for you and,” but I was interrupted.
“Why do we need to listen to you, you are weak and you could get caught by a human and he would gobble you up if we weren’t here so don't try to fight back. You are the weakest in this pack and you know it so don’t try to call the shots.” Zoob said  angrily.
“ Why did you just rush into to that”
“ Because I know what was coming next, you first suggest it to us, then we deny and you throw a fit and we all end up hunting breakfast for you while you cry so I am saving us time and energy.”
“No I Don’t! “ I said childishly.  Then realizing what I did and so I started crying, oil spilling everywhere.
“Told you.”
“Back off ” said Rob.
Once it all sunk in I was fierce at Zoob and wanted to show him and everyone else that I was the best so I did what any retarded robot would do, and said,
“ Shut up you might be strong but you aren’t smart you dumb s***.” I said angrily.
“ You want to fight.” He stood in a fighting stance.
“Let's go” Using all my strength I got up and swung my tail at his head. He grabbed it and swung me around and around then he threw me on a wall. After I got up, Zoob whooped me with his tail. Then he picked me up with his teeth and he threw me off the mountain  and I just rolled  down and down the mountain and all I hear is,
“ Good luck twerp” said Zoob  and the door shut.
While I was getting up I heard laughter and I looked up and  the  was in the air so I went to go get the fury humans myself.
Walking I was thinking of all the ways I can kill  Zoob using the thing around me. But I knew I needed them to protect me from any of the humans.
So on my way to the Dog park, that fight was repeating like a flashback, but  the weird thing was it was a phrase that I mainly heard “ a human can gobble you if we weren’t here.” So right when I arrived I thought that I should try to eliminate a human.
So I went on looking for a tiny human,but was blocked by a packed of big fat humans. So I crept away.
“ Hey robosaur come back, you just trespass on Obese Niece territory.”
Then, I didn’t notice myself running, then I stopped and looked back and so many humans were coming at me. So I ran and hid behind a mountain and  the chase was over and I got away,
“ Told you Zoom I can get away.” But a car pulled next to me and an arm reached out and grabbed me and pulled me inside. While going back they put me into a  cage and went back to this weird cave. It was white and had a paper on a pole on top of it and a fountain in front. There was a gate that an eagle on it then they took me out of a car and we walked into the weird cave. All I see are a bunch of humans with a Ray gun, that instantly kills my kind. No wonder they don't hunt here.
The humans dropped me out on the floor of  a room and I looked up and saw what was a human but  liked so enormous that it was like a life size model of the planet Jupiter, so ran in a corner and it started to speak.
“ Hi, I am Niece and I am the fattest man on earth. Why were you on my property.”
“Well I was looking for a tiny human and was trying to prove myself to my pact.”
“ I see that you are a human eater. Okay guards put him in the pit.”
“ Noooo!”
They took me too  a cell and I was wasting my breath yelling for help. A guard yelled at me and some gray came out. And that shut me up and I went to observe my surroundings to see what I can use to escape. Then I saw in my cell was bones and a shoelace, so with the rocks in my cell I created a pickaxe and mined my way  out of the cell. So I started to run and run until I saw a guard so I stood at an angle where he couldn't see me and I jumped on his head and started to  bite on his head and he smashed me on a wall but I didn't budge I just bit it right off.
I was surprised that I did that  but then just continued my way to escape. I kept coming face to face with guards. Then I finally grabbed a gun and shot most of them down. Then I ran  towards Niece’s office. I didn’t know what I was thinking except proving myself to Zoob and the others.
“ I knew you were coming, and I was prepared for you. I gotta admit you are worthy but you will not take me  down.” He laughed maniacally and I was scared that he would gobble me up instead of shooting me. But I knew what to do but I only had one chance.
I scanned the area for the things I needed and I saw a gun and a mirror I don’t know why there was a mirror but there was so I started my plan.
“ Hey fat f***er do you want this then come at me.”
I was holding the gun and ran. When he came to get it he tripped and he just fell forward but I saw it coming and ran towards the gun. Ran for the mirror and moved it in front of him. Then I he did what any strong human would do, he started to cry because he fell on his desk. I took the shot but made it count by hitting the mirror and blasted his head off.
“ I guess he hated his reflection! ”
I giggled and then dragged him all the way back to  the cave and the rest of the saw me and their robotic jaw dropped and that when  I knew they were surprised.
“Yeah  I took down the boss, so suck it Zoob.”
“Did you use your computer chip  to take him down  or did someone help you.” Said Zoob sarcastically but still stupefied.
Than I said,
“ My computer chip.”
Then a year later  there was a treaty where humans and robosaurs became friends. And the first thing we did was build a machine that achieved what Alzia Carpenter couldn't do. That was the start of The Tech ages. And for me, well I  was the start of Advance technology for the robosaurs we slowly turned from carnivores to human holograms or robot assistants. Then the arrival of The Flaze came into our world and meta started to come, but that's another story. Well,  See you next time in another time.

The author's comments:

December 2 , 2016

Teen Ink
Box 30
Newton, MA 02461

Dear Teen Ink,

As a 13 year old, I read many books, such as The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, which made me wonder why do people write and what makes it so special. I grew up eating food from the island ,Tonga, which is uncommon here in America.My first language is english and then tongan and a little spanish.  My people are usually feel  insecure because of their late arrival to America.

My story, History Gone Techy, centers around a smart Robot dinosaur, in 10884 ATA(After The Accident) who wants to prove himself to the rest of the Robosaurs. They were all robots before, the accident and where something went wrong with Alzia Carpenter machine and turned every robot into dinosaurs and humans into obese humans. That was forever known as the accident. I think this is a good fit for your publicity because it provide a place where me and others creativity possible to be known and get feedback to help us make it better.

Thank you for trying to make a possible future  for me and chance to make my creativity become  noticeable.



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