Jessey Valenzuela | Teen Ink

Jessey Valenzuela

October 25, 2016
By jessey BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
jessey BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw a man hanging from a tree. I was in my car going out for dinner. It was a snowy, winter night. It was night time. When I passed the tree my headlights were on high. I looked around and apparently saw him hanging. I work for the FBI and so I called my boss and told him that there was a man hanging from a tree.”
I am 47 years old. My name is David Hernandez. It was my first time seeing a man hanging from a tree. I am 6 ft 5. I have a son named Ian Hernandez. He is 26 years old, 6 ft 2.
It was at least -15f outside there was 4 inches fresh layer of snow.  So when boss got hear he said. “Here is the body.”
The body was untouched only the paramedics could touch the body. The paramedics got a body bag, the police were still trying to solve what had happened. One of the officers, Mick thought that the parachute had ripped from the force of the parachute coming out the bag. Mick was maybe in 20’s or in his young 30’s, tan skin, blue eyes eye’s, short hair, and almost my height. Mick and I went to the airfield to see the instructor that was training him.
The instructor Cliff said, “Edwin has been a member for over three years and he's only broken a toe and a finger. At first he was a shrimp then he became a lion witch is one of the highest groups in skydiving. And we have gone to championships,” he told us all about he and where Eric had lived.
Eric was the man who was hanging from the tree. So we went to his house and knocked on the front door. His wife opened the door. We tooled her everything that we know of has what happened so far. She was devastated from what we had told her, she started to cry but we told her it was ok.
After we left her house we went to the lab to see the Eric’s body. His arm, leg, spinal cord, ribs, and his scholl.


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