The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

October 25, 2016
By benjamin21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
benjamin21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“As you know Sir, the litter is coming in just a few short weeks,” Felix remind as they walked to the nursery.
“Yes, yes, yes I know Felix there’s no reason to worry,” Craig assured him. “It’s not like the litter is a new thing Felix, it happens every year and always the same way. The new dogs will decide their morals, and choose to be an honest, kind, responsible, bla, bla, bla, dog. Then an older dog claims a new one and becomes a father, and will be sent to planet Fluffer with us.”
“Well sir that is not the case necessarily, they can always choose to be a bad dog and be sent to planet Grrr with Victor and his minion buffoons,” Felix corrected.
“Felix, I know I’m new to the whole leader of a planet thing, and it’s weird with my father not being here anymore to do it, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t tell me everything I needed to know to before he died, oh and I know my dad liked it in all but can you not call me sir it makes me feel old, and I’m only a four year,” said Craig.
“As you wish si... Craig,” Felix replied
Craig was a blend between a Yellow Lab and Golden Retriever with warm  hazelnut eyes that you could see something new in every time you looked.
On Planet Fluffer there were sections, and each section was like a neighborhood. There are roads throughout and all lined with different doghouses. The father and son live together until the son proves he is old, and mature enough for his own home, family, and life. All adult dogs have a job to do to keep their section nice, along with the world. There are construction dogs, mail delivering dogs, law enforcement dogs, political dogs, etc. All dogs help create a stable community.
On the other hand Planet Grrr was a place where no one cared what their environment looked like, sounded like, or smelled like like for that matter. If a dog chose their morals as being a bad dog and then a dog from Grrr would claim them. Once the new dog arrived he would now be a full fledged citizen of Planet Grrr, where crime riddled the streets, the garbage and trash scattered about, and violence was a normal part of the day. Along with the dogs being just truly awful, the government was so terrible it made the streets look like Planet Fluffer. The worst one of all was Victor, he was the leader of Grrr.
Victor was a Black Lab, Husky blend that made him look like a pure black wolf. His eyes were lightning blue that made you tremble if they made contact with yours. His fur was scratchy and dull all except for one large scar between his left eye and ear. He had gotten it when he was wanting the position of leader. He had not been claimed by the leader of the planet, making him eligible for the position. That did not stop him though, he challenged the leader to a fight at the Colosseum.
The Colosseum was a large battle arena on its own planet called Mitos 3349, but that was too hard to say so all dogs just called it the Colosseum. It was used to settle arguments and disagreements on a large scale. It was available to both planets to use, and frankly, it was the only thing Fluffer and Grr shared besides the litter. Victor killed the leader before him in the arena to gain his unfair position into power. Well Victor was born to fight and had never lost one to anyone who challenged him, so eventually they stopped challenging him and let him keep the position.
It was the day of the litter and on Fluffer they were all ready to welcome the new dogs. They watched as the dogs came out onto display, being excited seeing so many dogs chose to be good this year. Everyone was excited until they saw something come out from behind the closed door.
“What is that?” Craig asked unknowingly.
“I’m not entirely sure either sir,” Felix Responded.
It was a dog unlike the others, its fur was softer, neater and its features were different. Craig heard Felix mumble the word but didn't believe it because it was impossible.
“Girl...” Felix murmured.
Felix being most likely the oldest one on the planet had served five generations of leaders in his lifetime. He had seen more, learned more, and knew more than anyone else on the planet.
Long ago before there was only males and the litter was not here, there lived two genders of dogs, male and female. Over time the females somehow for some reason started dying out and no one knew why even to this day, even Felix. When there was both kinds of dogs it wasn’t that different but it still was. The girls still chose to be good or bad just like the other dogs do. The litter was displayed the same way and shared by both genders, then a pair of dogs (mom and dad) would choose if they wanted a boy or a girl.
This being said it was large shock to hear the word “girl” come out of Felix’s mouth.
“Sir I think that might actually be a female,” Felix stated unsurely.
“Bet,” Craig replied
“I think it would be a good idea if we take her to your home and figure out what to do,” Felix offered.
It was quite a scene, the leader of the planet walking up to the display and telling a new dog who doesn't even know who he is to follow him. The crowd didn't say a word because the shock of him being there doing that is never something you would think would happen.
At the leader's mansion, Craig and Felix were explaining to the girl how rare and unlikely this was to happen. They knew that they needed to have a meeting with both planets to find out what to make of the situation, no matter how much they didn't want to bring Victor into it. The girl hadn't even received a name yet and they were bombarding her with things she couldn’t even comprehend. Telling her who and who not to talk to, where and where not to go, what and what not to say. The girl started to cry.
“Felix, could you leave us alone for a minute please?” asked Craig.
“Of course sir,” replied Felix politely
“I know what you’re going through,” said Craig to the girl.
“Everybody was staring at me, why am I different?” asked the girl.
“Well, we haven’t had a girl in a VERY long time. Many years ago there would be a father and a mother who would claim a dog together, but sadly for some reason they all past one by one and there was nothing we could have done. Our planet used to be ruled by a male and a female bound together forever. We don’t know why, or how, or anything really, I know you have questions and you deserve answers but there is nothing I can do, I’m sorry. I have an idea with how you’re feeling though, before I was leader, my father was, but sadly he had past and the position was passed onto me. I was forced to fill the shoes of my father when I was only four. I had so many people telling me what to do, and even more asking me questions I couldn’t answer. It was so hard to deal with so early after his death, but I did my best to lead these dogs and finally I think I’m doing a decent job at it. You feel this way now like you're different and dogs don’t like you when it’s the opposite entirely. You being here gives all of us a sense of hope for the future of our planet. Just know that through all of this I am here for you I’ll do my best to help you in any way.” Craig said.
The girl stopped crying and thanked Craig for what he said to her and the way he made her feel. She stayed in the leaders mansion because they thought no one should claim her until they figured out what to do.
The meeting was held at the government building on Fluffer and that alone was made Vic angry.
“Dibs on the new one,” Victor says as he walks in.
“Now wait, we really need to talk this over and find a fair solution to this,” Craig says.
“Okay Craig,” he say sarcastically. “If you want a fair solution, then I challenge you to a duel at the colosseum,” Victor says viciously.
“No! Sir this is obviously what he wanted,” Felix says panicly.
“He’s right Felix, it’s the only fair solution,” replies Craig
They agree to a duel and schedule it for tomorrow. Everybody on both planets knew about the girl, the fight, and we're all planning to see what happens. Felix was extremely sad at the fact that Craig could die for something he thought could be avoided. The girl on the other hand was with Craig the rest of the day.
It was the day of the duel and Craig was behind a large metal gate in the body of the colosseum. The sound of the crowd vibrated his chest as he waited to enter the arena.
“Do this for you planet, do this for her,” he said to himself as he waited.
The gate rose slowly with the sound of chains clanking. He walked in and saw the the sandy, dusty, barren land below him and just thought of how many dogs lost their lives where he was standing. The arena was completely surrounded by walls with the enormous crowd standing high around the circular battlefield. He searched the standing the best he could to find her, realizing how much she really meant to him. Finally he heard voice saying “Craig!” Directly above the gate he just came from. He saw her in the front row and gained the first sense of relief he had felt since he agreed to do this.
The gate on the opposing side of the field raised and Victor emerged from the darkness, with his body already set to pounce, and his mouth snarling he walked slowing toward the center of the arena. Craig was still only a few feet from his gate and he watched as Victor started to sprint at him tired of waiting on him. Craig moved out of the way in time for Victor to slide and cause the dust to whip up. Craig runs away as fast as he can but Victor gains very quickly. He snaps at Craig's left back leg causing him to yelp.
With Craig's other foot he kicks back at him catching him in the eye and slowing to a stop. Craig sees his opportunity and runs at Vic meeting at his neck. He clamps down on it with all of his might and Victor falls to the ground for a split second before he throws Craig aside. He slides into his own gate causing a loud crash. Craig doesn't move for enough time Victor walks up to his limp body.
Craig was faking it and spring up biting the side of Victor's face, he shakes his head violently causing the bites to sink in more and blood starts to pour out of the wounds. Victor pushes Craig over causing him to lay on his back. He stood over him and was about to sink his jaws into Craig when the girl in the front row jumped into the arena almost right on top of Vic. She distracted him enough for Craig to jump up and bite him right in the front of the neck. He let go and watched as Victor was gasping for air but couldn't seem to catch a breath. He collapsed to the ground and then closed his eyes, and never opened them again.
Craig and the girl didn’t stay and gloat, they just went back to Fluffer. There they ended up being the first couple of leaders in many years. It ended up being a good thing that she wasn’t claimed because if she was, she wouldn’t be able to be with Craig. She named herself Jackie and they lived happily ever after.
Also, on Grrr, a real leader received the position and the planet began to change from the slums to a real thriving honest good planet.
The End

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